Not an update but some facts

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I posted this on my one shots book so that one saw it first lol

I'm bored again so I'm gonna give you guys ten facts you didn't ask for again.

Pleaseeeeeee comment something and talk to me I'm hella bored waiting for sims to download on my laptop

1. I'm 16 years old and I actually did kiss someone this year in like September so that's nice

2. We were actually drunk rip I wasted my first kiss on a guy I don't like

3. I'm out to more people now than I was last time I made one of these. Again, I'm pansexual except I'm panromantic ace and I still haven't figured it all out yet.

3. My zodiac sign is a cancer and all the horoscope things are so true and they always say something about relationships and emotions and if that ain't me idk what is

4. My friend group consists of one straight person but different than the last one (she isn't in it anymore rip), one pan person, a trans boy, and a gay boy. Oh how things have changed.

5. I constantly look for little sparks in conversations and I fall in love with the little things. Someone could touch my arm and not even know that they caused me to fall in love with them.

6. I still enjoy writing but to and still think I'm not that good. But I have been writing more story ideas and not just one shots lately so look out for that lol.

7. I still like art and music and stuff. I can play the ukulele better than last time and I'm still learning the piano very slowly. Since last time I learned like one song.

8. i got a warm blanket for Christmas so guess who isn't as cold as last time. Except it's like -20 degrees here.

9. i have a cat she's so cute

10. I don't want to die anymore which is a relief but I still get a little depressed but not as often. I'm in a better place than last time.

Bonus fact: I know myself a little better now and it makes me quite happy.

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