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Dallons face was stuck. He had shock plastered on it, amazement glued so tight, pride dancing across, and happiness all around. He couldn't believe that he hadn't known Brendon was this good at the piano. If he'd have known, he would've shown up before.

Suddenly a sinking feeling hit him like a truck. That's the thing, he would've only shown up if he knew Brendon was good. He wouldnt have shown up for the sole fact that it was just Brendon, a friend. Dallon wasn't a good friend, and it's taken him a few years to realize.

How, just how, did Brendon have the patience for this. His shoulders fell and he hunched over, leaning on his hands. Brendon likes him, that's why.

He stepped out of the auditorium after people cleared. Brendon was the last performance. Every pianist there had played wonderfully, except the one that broke down crying after his performance. Other than that they all were flawless.

But Brendon was better. The second Brendon stepped on stage, the auditorium lit up. There was excitement in the air, even Dallon felt thrilled. When he hit the first note, Dallons heart fluttered and everyone in the auditorium fell back in their seats.

Dallon hopped out of his chair and fixed his pants. He's got some apologizing to do.

He got to the main area of the building where everyone stood. They talked to each other and some held flowers. Dallon spotted Brendon who was nearly falling over from all the flowers he held. Dallon smiled nervously when Brendon caught him staring.

"Need a hand?" Dallon asked reaching out.

"Not from you." Brendon turned his flowers away. "For all I know you'll drop 'em."

Dallon scoffed. "I came here to apologize but if you're going to be like this then fine!" He crossed his arms. Brendon just huffed.

They stood there for a minute. Dallon was uncomfortable without having attention on him like Brendon used to. Brendon just stood there smiling at people passing by. He even shook hands with a few that congratulated him for the big win.

"Ok I really am sorry." Dallon said. Brendon ignored him which Dallon found really petty and unnecessary. "Brendon," he sighed, "Just look at me for a second!"

Brendon reluctantly turned around and faced him with a bored expression. Dallon was a bit thrown off guard. He didn't think this was going to be easy but he hoped it wasn't to his expectations. "I'm sorry. I would like to make it up to you."


"I haven't figured that part out yet. I'm just sorry that I've been such a horrible friend. You name it, I'll be there... or at least try to. I really messed up and I'm hoping you can find it somewhere in your kind heart to forgive me and offer a second chance..."

Brendon thought for a while. He eyed Dallon up and down. He didn't dress for the occasion. He had a t shirt and jeans. Then again, he didn't really know what kind of occasion this was. He could have googled it or something.

"I got drunk for the first time." Brendon said. "It was fun. Spencer and I, it was nice. You know I never drunk more than two cans of anything?" Brendon recalled those times. He only ever did with his parents. Never the chance with Dallon or his friends.

The taller of the two raised an eyebrow. He didn't understand where Brendon was going with this. "I'm saying this because every time you threw a party- or anyone for that matter- I was always asked to drive people home. I didn't get the chance, ever."

"You don't have to say yes all the time."

"Oh but I did. You know why?" Brendon asked. Dallon shook his head. "Because you always asked. It was for you. I've come to terms with you not liking me back for a while now. But I still convinced myself that you considered me a friend."

"I do!"

"You didn't." Brendon sighed lightly and sat down on a bench beside him, flowers still in hand. "I'm... mad. Like, really mad." Brendon mumbled. "But, I guess I can give you a second chance."

"I feel really horrible, Bren." He took the flowers in his arms. "If you let me, I'll drive you home."

"This is a start." Brendon smiled. "But Spencer's driving me home." He stood taking his flowers. "But if you'd like, you can meet us at the nearest Dairy Queen."

Dallons face lightened. "Really?"

"Really. Oh! But you gotta buy me an ice cream."

"Of course." Dallon nodded. He watched Brendon walk off and he smiled to himself.


Merry Christmas here's an update


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