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This is a mix between the original and the remake of Halloween because the time ranges are a little off but oh well. Enjoy.




October 31, 1999
Haddenfield, Illinois


"Who-who are y-you?" Karie stuttered out. Of course she knew the face of her old childhood friend. But, behind the mask, it was hard to comprehend just who, or what, Michael was now...

The masked maniac slowly rounded the bed and watched in curiosity as Karie backed into the wall as if she were afraid of him. His head tilted to the right side in confusion as he dropped the knife he was currently holding.

As he slowly inched closer to her, Karie shook in fear even more.

He reached upwards with both hands making Karie flinch, until she noticed that he was aiming for his mask instead of her head.

Slowly and steadily, Michael peeled away at the mask and took it all off; letting his long, dirty, brown hair fall onto his face. He towered over the nearly 5'4 woman. Behind the massive shield of hair, Michael Myers had a well structured body and face. His expression didn't seem blank like normal, but instead a little saddened and curious.

As Karie examined his features, she noticed a considerable change in the way he looked at her.

He looked at her with abnormally black eyes, his motions were gentle, he had no intent on hurting her. And once Karie came to this realization, she slowly surrendered.


He slowly backed her against the wall and leaned forward.

Karie was more than astounded at Michael's actions. Of by how gentle he was with her. No words escaped his mouth. Karie leaned up and met him in the middle with a soft kiss.

Of all the thoughts rushing through Michael's mind, he really wished that one hadn't surfaced.

Even though he knew it had to be done, he just wanted to savor the moment with his love for as long as he could. After many long seconds had gone by, Michael knew what he needed to do.
As Karie was distracted by the kiss, Michael slowly reeled his hand in towards his body and reached into one of his jumpsuit pockets, pulling out a medium sized knife.

As he constricted his hold on his long time childhood friend and lover, only for a few times, he gradually let her take one last breath before pulling his hand back and jamming the knife right into Karie's back.

She gasped and fell into a limp pile on the ground.

Michael watched her bleed out. In her last breath, she got out what sounded like the beginning of a question, only to fall dead. She was gone.

As Michael stood above her and stared at her, his emotions ran wild. Whatever emotions he had, at least. He couldn't understand why or what he was feeling at that moment. He slowly let his eyes guide themselves to the other side of the room where a crib was stationed.

He gradually approached it.

When he took a peak inside, he saw a tiny baby girl standing over the edge. 

Once their eyes connected, Michael instantly knew who's baby it was. The now dead body of Karie was lying beside the bed; blood still pouring from her lifeless body onto the floor. Michael followed the trail of blood with his eyes until he once again glanced at the baby.

Michael dropped the clown mask onto the floor and placed the knife on a lone nightstand as he walked into his baby sisters room. He gently picked her up from her crib and cradled her close to him as he left the room.

He had just killed his abusive step father, his sisters stoner boyfriend, and his sister.

Now, he was holding little Laurie, Angel for short, in his arms as he walked outside and waited for his mothers return on the front steps of his house. What more was there for a nine year old to do after he killed three people?

Michael couldn't bring it to himself to kill the child.

He thought of just leaving her, but she might starve to death if the cops didn't find her in time. Just remembering what had happened to Laurie, he couldn't, even with all of the hatred he could muster, bring himself to do any harm to the little girl.

In a few swift movements around the house, he grabbed everything that the baby might need and snatched the confused one in a half year old. A voice in his head told him that this was the right thing to do and for once, the other contradicting voice stayed out of the way. As he got the baby settled into the car seat of Karie's almost brand new natural black car, he heard the sirens of police coming up the street. As soon as he saw the red and blue lights come into view, he sped down the street.


Dr. Samuel Loomis stood outside the house with a blank expression. Investigators searched Karie Lana's home thoroughly and found no traces of any evidence of Karie's killer. But, they did find many traces of DNA that didn't belong to Karie.

"I know who did this."

"Let me guess," The lead detective, Tyson Bronks, said as he approached Loomis. "That escaped convict of yours, Michael Myers, had something to do with this, huh?"

Loomis knew no one ever believed him, but he would be damned if he didn't try to convince the people. "Yes. And after kidnapping the child and killing his ex friend, and lover, he's going to go after his sister again."

Detective Bronks scoffed. "Loomis, Laurie Strode was put in the witness protection program. He can't find her. And besides, why did he want the baby anyway? Does he have some sick fetish with children or something that sickos like him would have?" His question earned him a shake of the head by Loomis.

"Michael is full of secrets."

"What's that supposed to mean?" The detective was young, which explained his snarky attitude.

Loomis sighed. "Michael Myers is more than a murderer. He may not be human in the slightest  bit, but, somewhere in the dark recesses of his chest where we think lays cold nothingness, lays the remains of what was once a heart. What was something that used to beat. And that child, Michae Lana...she is going to be the thing that keeps Michael a float. For now, at least..."

Detective Bronks tilted his head. "Her name is Michae? Where in the hell did she get her name?"

Loomis looked longingly over at the house. "Her name originated from her father." He explained in few words. Detective Bronks looked even more confused. "Who's her father?"



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