First words

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Doing something different again, meaning each part will have each of the kids first words. So first up will be Hermione, Next will be Sirius and then Caeli.

"Hello" Bella laughed as she walked into the nursery, Baby Hermione was standing up in her crib and was looking at her expectantly. Bella held her hands out and spoke in her baby voice "You coming to mummy?"

Hermione laughed and clapped her hands as Bella reached in the crib and pulled her out. Bella then picked up a pacifier and put it into her daughters mouth. Hermione pulled a face and spat it out, shaking her head, Causing her mum to laugh again.

"You are too cute Mione" Bella booped her nose and made her giggle again. "Are you gonna speak for mummy?"

Hermione tilted her head.

"C'mon say Mama" Bella prompted, bouncing her up and down. "Mama. Mama. Can you say mama?"

Hermione just laughed.

"Bella, If she doesn't want to speak, Don't make her" Narcissa's voice came from the hallway. Bella glared at her

"Shut up Cissy" Bella snapped. "Go see to your child at home, Why are you even here?"

"I'm bored, Lucius can handle Draco for now." Narcissa came into the room and grinned at Hermione "Hello baby"

Hermione stuck her hand out and high fives Narcissa's outstretched one.

"I think baby Draco will be missing his mother" Bella hinted. Narcissa rolled her eyes and sighed.

"I can see where I am not wanted" She frowned at her sister who just smirked. "I best be off then"

"Bye Cissy" Bella waved with her free hand, Hermione copied her and also waved at Narcissa. Bella smiled at her daughter as Narcissa apparated away. "Why are you so cute?"

Hermione clapped her hands.

"Should we go see daddy before breakfast?" Bella asked, already walking out of the door. Hermione looked up at her and grinned. "I'll take that as a yes then"

They walked down the long corridor and eventually came to Voldemort's office. Bella put her ear up to the door to check to see if Voldemort had anyone in there and when she realised that no one apart from her husband was in there, she swung the door open and walked in.

"Hello Darling" Bella smiled as she kissed Tom's cheek. "Some body wanted to say Hello" she shifted her body so that Voldemort was in Hermione's line of site

Hermione squealed and clapped her hands upon noticing her father and began to struggle against Bella.

"Alright, Alright!" Bella laughed as she set Hermione down on the desk, the baby crawled over to her father.

"Hi" Tom put his quill down and picked Hermione up an placed her on his lap. "Good morning Mione"

Hermione smiled at him before turning her attention to his desk. She tilted her head as she looked over it and then picked up Voldemort's quill. Her parents watched in amusement as Hermione dipped it in the ink and then turned to Voldemort. Voldemort raised an eyebrow at her as she giggled and raised it higher.

"Don't you dare" He warned her. Hermione laughed again as she touched the quill to his cheek and then dragged it over his face. Voldemort squeezed his eyes shut while Bella broke out in laughter.

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