The next few days were painful, not just in emotion but also in physical form, my leg found it hard to carry my weight, every movement hurt but I was determined to get back onto my feet once again. It seemed more marks appeared on my body, they continued to glow, most of the time I kept them hidden away, I still wouldn't allow Anduin to place a hand on me. Every time he would I shrug it off, I knew he needed me now, but I didn't need him.
I would stay at lions rest from morning till night, most of  the Stormwindian citizens would walk past and glance at my ragged being, the bruises now making themselves visible on my skin. I heard boots walking towards me but I didn't lift my head. "Anduin leave me alone!" I snarled.
"Jo it's Genn." He said resting a hand on my shoulder. "Anduin tells me you're having trouble adjusting again." He said.
"He didn't see his king butchered in front of him." I said staring straight ahead at Varians grave.
"True, but he's a strong boy. . ." I cut him off.
"I'm just a weak soldier!" I exclaimed. "I should have died on the Broken Shore." I said quietly.
"Don't say that, you fought bravely." He told me collapsing down next to me. My body began to heat up even though it was cold this night. Genn met my gaze he was about to say something but stopped, he looked somewhat concerned. "Jo I think we need to see Tyrande." He spoke up.
"No!" I snarled and bolted up. "I am sick of their futile chants and healing powers." I yelled. This was not me, so much rage built up in my body.
"I think it may be best for you." He told me walking calmly closer. "If Varian could see you now he would be disappointed!" He exclaimed dropping his head.
"There's nothing wrong with me!" I told him aggressively.
"Jo this is not you." He told me. "Since you have come back you have changed." He said.
"I have not!" I exclaimed, I then stormed off to the stables Genn following me. "Leave me alone old man! Stop following me." I yelled very agitated.
"No, you do not need to be alone right now, the power that is building with in you is dangerous you need healing, you need help to get rid of it. and khadgar can help you." He said grabbing me by my arm.
"Let go!" I growled and pried at his fingers. "I am not your child! He died in the Battle For Gilneas!" I yelled, Genns face dropped and he let go immediately.
"Go, get out of my sight, perhaps it's best you leave Stormwind, I'll inform Anduin." He said sadly and walked away. I carried onto the stables, I walked to my charger didn't bother tacking him up and rode out of Stormwind at full gallop, knocking a few people down as I rode. I didn't have an immediate stop I just kept galloping till my steed tired and we stopped over to rest. I felt my forehead and I was sweating, I felt like I had fever, before long I was passed out on the ground.
I wake up and the Sun had risen, but it was quiet here. There was a river in front of us and so I walked over to it but as I gazed into the water I noticed my veins were glowing green under my pale skin, my eyes had a green glow under their blue, my long red hair now faded and almost white, it looked brittle and ragged. Genn was right something had happened in battle. I tore off my shirt and noticed that the marks had turned into strange shapes on my chest and down my torso. I was frightened to say the least I was a monster, and I was not going back to Stormwind anytime soon. I looked to my charger, but he reared up and galloped off. "Seb no!" I yelled. He was too fast so I didn't bother chasing after him.
"Looks like I'm walking." I said to myself, I flicked my hood and covered my face. I wandered alone till reaching Darkshire, I walked through the gates many people giving me strange looks. I went straight to the tavern and sat down on a bar stall, a night elf Druid glanced over my way.
"What is something like you doing here?" He snarled.
"Resting." I answered.
"Your kind don't need rest." He growled. 
"You do if your human!" I exclaimed.
"Human, please you're far from it." He said.
"What are you talking about?" I asked. 
"Come." He said gesturing for me to follow. We walked to the barn to get his steed, we walked in silence as we travelled through Stranglethorn, and into Booty Bay, he bought me aboard his ship.
"Sit." He said, so I did but he began to buckled me into it.
"What are you doing, free me at once!" I exclaimed. "I am a guard of Stormwind." I yelled.
"This is the only way I can help you." He told me. He stood in front of me and rested a hand on my chest and then began to chant,  felt warmth flow into me, he was trying to heal me. So I used the power to fight him off this power felt great. "The more you use it, the more it will make you it's slave." He told me.
"I shall not be a slave to anything!" I exclaimed and pushed harder. I saw our shadow on the wall as the green light up the room I used my eyes in order to shoot out the green power.
"Stop!" He yelled.
"No!" I snarled, finally he flew back and hit the ships wall, I grabbed him by his throat and sucked his soul from his very body, the marks on my body glowing more intense, once he was dead I threw his body into the water carelessly. I now had myself a ship, his crew came back from drinking and saw me on the deck by the wheel of the ship, they all drew their swords.
"Do not fear your captain put me in charge!" I exclaimed and one by one I infected the sailors, I lowered the Alliance flag, I burnt it with my hands and then put it back up again.
"Where are we headed captain?" A man spoke up.
"Ashenvale." I replied as I began to steer the ship, I needed to punish the night Elves, they never helped me, they only delayed the problems and feelings, my wounds never healed properly.

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