Many a night elf fell, I was covered in blood, my crew long slain not that I needed them I had enough souls to keep me alive. "Please don't kill me!" A sentinel begged. I didn't have time to waste and therefore dug my hand into her chest and tore out her soul. The power soon overwhelmed me and I shifted into a demon, I roared and took on anyone rushing at me, I clawed, maimed and mutilated. I soon grew weak and fell to my knees shifting back to my human form. I was now seeing the curse of this power.  The night elves had called for reinforcements, I was surrounded by more sentinels pointing their bows at me.

I fell to all fours my muscles tired, I felt like passing out. 'Just stay conscious.' I told myself. A night elf dressed in armour walked to me. "How did a guard become infected with this illness?" He asked.

"Battle." I replied and collapsed onto the ground.

A few hours later. . .

I wake up chained down, my hands and legs are weighed down, my strength still hasn't returned. A glowing light sits in front of me curing me of the fel infestation as my eyes focus I realise it's Anduin. "Come back to me." He whispered. I pulled against my chains and wanted to break free.

"You will not take this away from me! I am finally someone!" I exclaimed.

"You are a out of control beast!" Genn exclaimed. I took a look at my surroundings and I was back in Darnasuss inside the temple of Elune. I could feel the chain giving way, I pulled myself free and then transformed into my demon form once again. "Face it Anduin she's lost!" Genn added.

"I was lost when your father died!" I roared pointing a clawed finger at him.

"If she can harness it she could be like Illidan." Tyrande spoke up.

"I have harnessed it." I growled.

"You've allowed the demon out, you have not harnessed it." She told me. I shifted back into my human form.

"Here wear this it will keep the demon at bay." Malfurion said and handed me some black cloth to put over my eyes. I rested it over my eyes still able to see, Anduin tied it at the back for me hiding it under my firery hair, when he finished he dragged a hand through my locks almost as if though comforting me. I leant my head back into his hand , he rested a hand on my neck, and gently squeezed using the light, he fought off my demon almost as if though destroying it, I cried out loudly, it was almost like he was separating us. But now only the fel remained.

"Now you'll be the Josephine I remember." He told me walking around to face me and gently pecking my lips. We were then teleported back to Stormwind, I had to contend with everyone staring at me so I kept my eyes looking at the floor. I was of course cursed, once we reached the palace I went straight to my chambers and locked myself in. Even Anduin didn't come to check on me, he knew I needed time alone. I paced up and down after I covered every mirror, I was a hideous monster.

"How could I be so stupid and allow myself to become infected with fel!" I exclaimed and punched the desk but I burnt it and splintered it.  I was a little surprised. Suddenly there was a knock on my door, I turned and opened it,it was a Stormwind guard.

"The king wishes to see you." He told me. I nodded and walked to the throne room where Anduin sat on his throne.

"There is rumours of another war, between the Alliance and the horde and I want you to fight with us." He said.

"Like this?" I asked gesturing to myself.

"You are more powerful than my army put together." He told me.

"You won't be ashamed of a demon fighting in your ranks?" I asked.

"No, otherwise I wouldn't have asked." He smiled attempting to reassure me.

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