Chapter 29

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It was my turn.

I has to watch two people I loved die. My mother and Rocky. The two people that I love with all my heart. He started off with my mom. She was running around, clueless. "BAILEY, SOFIA," my mom was screamimg. After a few minutes of it, my mom tripped over a rock. She tried to get up, but twister her ankle. A bomb seemed to fall in slow motion, which gave me plenty of time to hide me eyes. I grab Haley and turn the other way. "I can't watch," I say sobbing. Then, a thud, a scream, and silence. Even though I couldn't scream, I could detect what was happening, which made tears escaped my shut eyes like me pushing a locked door so hard I unlocked it. I turn around to see Rocky's program starting. It started with me giving Ivy to Samantha. He gasps and runs with a knife. Samantha, being so brave, fires the arrow at his heart. That was enough to make me cry harder. When he fell though, the weirdest thing happened. The program shut. President Snow gasps, trying to turn it back on. Then we see it. A knife in the screen. 3 peacekeepers come in. The hit president snow, sending him to the ground. Weird. They are supposed to be on HIS side. Or that's what I thought until they removed there masks. Samantha, Liam, and Dad.

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