Chapter 50

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I wipe the tears away from Niall's eyes, reveling his gorgeous eyes. "What's wrong Niall," he said.

Here is why. A long time ago on there first date, Samantha was leaning her head back laughing at a joke he told, when a waiter tripped over a chair when she hit her head. It made her hit her head on the table, knocking her out. Niall rushed out of the restaurant with out paying and rushed to the emergency room. He didn't leave her for one second and when she opened her eyes, he was holding her hand. "Niall," she asks. "Thank goodness your alive," he yelled hugging her. She started to scream, because her head started to hurt again. "Shh, it's ok, your safe," he said. They had there first kiss in the hospital bed. He said that hea happened brought back memories.

At lunch, we all were so quiet we could here each other's heart beats. We were all nervous about showing the gamemakers. What score will we get? Who will get the best score? What if I get a low score? All these thoughts rushed through my head. It went on for a few minutes until I decided not to worry. That it will all be ok. We are unstoppable, since we have Brookson on our team, and I lead the rebellion.

After lunch, we are dismissed to wait to go. Caleb was first. He breathed heavily and walked slowly to the training room. I looked over at Niall, who had fear filling his eyes. This score can effect everything. Our sponsers, who would want to kill us, maybe even the design of the arena to kill us. Caleb came back and Jenna went. "I wonder how it went," I whisper to Niall. "I'm to scared to think about it," Niall whispered. Jenna came back and Niall went, but when he went, I found something in his seat. It was a wedding ring with a note attached to it.

Samantha, will you marry me?

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