Chapter 58

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Aloha chids! I'm back from vacation and ready to add on to my story!

I slam the phone onto my desk next to the bed and start to sob. Liam, doesn't love me. I don't care that the games are tomorrow, or that I am gonna die, I just, well. I couldn't think because all u could do was cry. I hug the pillow on my chest as Niall rushes in. He sees the tears on my face and brushes them away. "Hey, what's wrong," he asks. I grab his neck and tug him down, hoping he doesn't get too close. "I hate Liam, he just dumped me over the phone, he doesn't love me," I yell. Niall looks at me in shock. "I am so sorry," he says. When he leaves me alone, I throw the pillow at the wall and jump out of bed. I claw the walls, kick down the dresser, slam the door, and pull off the covered to my bed. "I HATE YOU LIAM," I yell to the world. I slip to the floor and fall asleep on top of the floor.
I woke up with my head in Louie's lap as he sat on the floor. He sighs as he grabs his bags gets up, letting my head drop to the floor. It hurt really badly, but the real pain was Liam. I forgot about the escape! He throws his arms around me in a hug. I put my arms around his waist and squeeze him like a little girl with her teddy bear after a bad dream. When he let's go he jumps out the window, waving bye forever.

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