7 I am late !

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We slept late night after completing our mystery associated with love.
It wasn't a deep snore sleep though for me.
And this man next to me is a expectation.!

I rested by head on Virat's chest and he wrapped his hand around my shoulder.

I was completely lost in thoughts, but couldn't figure out one thing. I kept on thinking about past ,future, work , home etc..

Then I heard a loud snore from Virat. I saw him sleeping peacefully.

That time I loved him more more than last night !

"Hmm...Virat Kohli. I love you. I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope and every dream I've ever had, and no matter what happens in the future, these days we are together is the best in my life. Thank you for being mine." I spoke to myself softly.

I mentally clapped myself for such speech.!

The morning bliss and the view of sunrise made me to sleep again.

After a long time.

Phone ringing.

"Urghhh!" I said pulling out of the blanket

A call from office. I answered the call. The man in phone spoke for almost 4minutes and I could only understand the last statement 'The meeting starts at 1 pm sharp mam'.

I glarred at the phone screen to find what time it was.

11:27 am.


"Ohhh!! Just in one hour how am I gonna reach there??! " I screamed scratching my hair.

Oops ! I woke Virat from his sleep by shouting.

"What happened baby?" He asking half sleeping.

"I must go to work Vee" I said.

Slowly he got out of the duvet. Stretched his arms.

I was sitting there watching him like a kid watching cartoon with my lips making a smile.

" Good morning Shashi " he said looking my with one eye.

"Morning baby" I said smiling widely.

"What were you telling? Where do you want to go?" he asked rubbing his eyes.

"Ahh!! Ohh!! " I said coming out from the vortex of my Dreamland.

My Dreamland ,Virat Kohli.

"To work , cheeku" I said walking towards the washroom.

" What? Shashi. Come on this is not fair." He said pulling his hair in anger.

"What to do? " I shouted from the washroom putting my brush into my mouth.

"I am already late. I will be back by 2:00 promise" I said to him between brushing my teeth.

He got frustrated. The reason was we planned a outing for the afternoon.

"Ok. Go ! I don't care." He said , though he did not mean it.

" I'll make breakfast. Eat and go." He said leaving the room.

Bang. The door shut.

"Breakfast" I said laughing.

"Kohli is becoming more, a family man nowadays" I thought.

After I took a bath. I wore a formal knee length black and white dress.
I came out applying body lotion to my hands from the dressing lobby.

There. Virat was already sitting in the bed with his Phone.

"What happened to the breakfast." I asked smiling as I knew he wouldn't have done it.

"Done. It's waiting in the table" he said still looking at his phone.

"Hmm... great " I said softly.

I wore the white bracelet in my right wrist and my Tissot watch in the left. A long necklace with a anchor pendent. Made my hair into a casual pony. Applied kajal and lip balm.

"Hey, what's the time" I asked him.

He did not bothered to answer me. I saw him through the mirror texting with a smile on his lips.

'Who will it be, Ro or panda or shiks. I thought.

" Virat!!.I shouted putting my earing.

Finally he lifted his head.

"Time?' I asked.

"12:09" he said again into the screen.

"Ohhhh!.. God help me!" I kind of cried.

I moved towards the bed. I started to stuff my notepad,pen, wallet,phone, laptop, iPad into my backpack.

"I'm ok na" I asked him making my bag.

Everytime I ask this question he would say words like awesome, stunning, breathtaking, amazing.

"Nooo!" He snapped suddenly breaking my thoughts.

I looked him and gave a glare.

Without talking anything i moved​ towards the mirror.

"Tell Virat. I need to look good. It's very important meeting." I said worried.

"Take off that necklace" he said

I took off it immediately. I looked at him for approval through the mirror.

"That earings" he said.

"Okk I'll take" I said.

Trusted him.

"Hmm.." he said coming near me.

He stood just behind me. I could feel his hot breath on my neck.

I raised my eyebrows to ask if I'm ok now?

"No" he said nodding his head.

"Remove that earing" he said.

"Okk" I said and slowly talking the ring from my ear.

He came near my ears and whispered
"Remove this dress too"

"Okkk" I said absent mindedly.

And I was about the unzip the dress, and suddenly realized what he said .

" Whattt!!!! Virattt!" I shouted.

He started to laugh madly jumping around and clapping his hands.

His action made me to smile. What else can I do ?

"Haha wear everything...you looked good " he said holding my shoulder.

"I'm late....late..late..." I said as I reached downstairs.

"Breakfast" Virat said standing next to the table.

"Ohh" I said.. and I couldn't miss it orelse he'll go mad on me.

I went to table. He pulled the chair for me. I sat down. He placed the water first and a bowl next.

Oh.. Man.!

"What ? Chocos !" I asked him.

He blinked a yes

"Awesome effort" I said and hurriedly put those chocos into my mouth.

Finally I left the home at 12:38.

I drove like a mad woman. Reached the office at time.

Thank God.

I was constantly thinking about Virat while the presentation was going on.

Second Chances in my life - A virat kohli fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now