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Valerie's POV

One more day rolled around, and I had started to feel very uncomfortable. My body had felt as if it had been changing, and come to find out it was. The severe pain put me on edge, but I finally realized it was contractions. I couldn't do this, I was going to try and keep this baby in me for as long as possible.

I needed Alexander here, I couldn't give birth while Jack was here. He'd take my baby away, and god knows what he'd do to it.

So I waited that whole day, didn't say a word to jack about it. But I knew I couldn't do this for long, Alex was going to have to find me.

Alex's POV

Finding Valerie was very hard, but in the end I managed to find her. I hired private investigators eco had helped search for her. We ended up finding her in the next country over. We'd asked everyone in that country in the last day or two had they seen her, and one woman spoke up.

She said she was sitting on the plane next to her, she was with a man as well. She told me they acted all cuddly, and when she told me that, I became furious. I wanted to kill Jack so bad, I didn't care if I'd be in prison, he needed to be dead or put in jail or something.

This needed to stop.


As soon as I arrived at the place with one of my friends who was in the FBI, Chris, told me I had to be careful. Jack could have any type of weapon with him.

We both slowly, crept into the huge house. It was absolutely beautiful, which confused me.

We entered multiple rooms, before finally coming to a rose gold door.

"Be careful" Chris whispered, I nodded also signaling him that he has to be careful as well.

And with that we busted down the door, and once I got a chance to look around the room, I noticed Valerie sitting on the bed, a look of pain on her face.

"Valerie" I mumbled, quickly dashing over to her. Her eyes bulged when she saw me, and she quickly went to stand, but crouched down a little when she stood.

Confusion filled my brain, and I tried to put the puzzle pieces together as I hugged her tightly. "Are you okay?" I quickly asked, she nodded, but I could see right through her lie. "Are you sure? How's the baby?"

"The baby is fine, but I think he's coming soon" was all she said. I smiled at her. I was going to be a dad, maybe in less than 48 hours.

"We should get out of here" I quickly said, dragging her out of the room. I was trying to be cautious, if jack saw us, I don't know what he'd do. "I'll find jack, and call the rest of my team" Chris mumbled to me, taking his gun out from his holster. Valerie was quick to stop me from going any further away from Chris. "Don't kill him, and don't hurt him" she said, with pleading eyes. Chris nodded, before he took out his phone and dialed a number.

I stared at her oddly. Why in the world would she not want him hurt? He deserved all the pain that would be coming his way.

"Why? he deserves it" was all I asked hoping she'd be honest, but I hoped she wouldn't say the answer I'd think she'd say.

"Because he needs help, not to be hurt"


Days had gone by, and jack was in a hospital. He was staying there for a little while, before the government decided what to do with him. Well more like the police. But so many people had gotten involved with his, it started to see like the government was involved.

Today was also the day Valerie was going to give birth.

I was beyond scared. Scared than I'd ever been. I hated seeing people in pain, especially my own wife. And knowing i couldn't do anything to help her pain ease, made it a lot worse.

Hours after pushing, we were greeted with a crying, slimy, pink faced baby boy. He was beautiful, and I already saw so many resembling things about his face that had to do with Val.

Milo Joseph Williams was his name, he weighed 5 pounds 3 ounces. He was a heathy baby boy. And the cutest thing I'd ever seen.

"He's so precious" val spoke up from beside me. "I know, like his mom" kissing her forehead, I concluded. "he looks so much like you" she said softly, yawning.

"I can't believe we created such a delicate, beautiful human"

A/n: This story is coming to an end soon, and I know this isn't the best chapter but I tried for you all. I don't want to just stop this story here without a proper ending. But just to let you know the story will be ending in a couple chapters. Thanks to all the people who stuck around, even when I fell out of writing this story.

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