Heard It All

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Chapter 2 :~


Normal P.O.V :

It had been a 2month since Naruto had started class here at Konoha Elementary School.
And Lots had happened. One includes becoming friends with the infamous Sasuke Uchiha. Sasuke became his best friend and soon his rival. The Raven dint say much though, probably his vocabulary was limited to a 'Hn' or an insult.. or so Naruto thought. They ate lunch together, shared notes, textbooks and even sat together for class. Had played and fought all the time. Casually insulting or go into a competitive frenzy.
Naruto did try talking to the other kids but they would usually ignore him.

At first Naruto wondered why Sasuke dint play with the other kids and ignored them alot... Cuz for Naruto, that's what he want. To have friends and be accepted. He tried asking the 'teme' but the Raven dint bother to answer. Eventually the blondie brushed that away as Sasuke being shy or something.

When word spread out that he was friend with Sasuke..., Naruto thought everything will be alright. He got a new best friend. He got a new class. And more friends for him to welcome eventually.
But things took a wrong turn....

"Naruto, why are you talking to Sasuke huh? You think your special. We told to like a bazillion times to leave him alone, he's ours, right Ino!" Said the girl twirling her pink hair.

"Yea Sakura's right, you think your special talking to our Sasuke. Sasuke would only play with us" Said a blond haired girl, now known as Ino.
Some of the other kid who bullied him occasionally were now around him.

"Just get lost, he wouldn't want to be near an monster like you!" Sakura said in a harsher tone. Kicking him.

"Naruto is a monster!Naruto is a monster!" the other kids kept chanting. While Sakura and Ino slowing kicking him yet aggressively.

Naruto was on the ground being bullied, lying there half conscious, covered in dirt, whimpering from the pain from being kicked again and again.

From the time they got to know that Sasuke Uchiha was playing with Naruto, they became jealous and since then more violent. Sakura and Ino were the first ones to approach and threatened him. They proclaimed their love for the raven. But Naruto dint let that affect and still hangout with Sasuke. This made them made and more jealous.
Sakura and Ino started a small group of kids, who liked them(their fans) and also those who liked the raven.

They either pushed him around, wrote on his desk, said nasty things about him.. mostly when Sasuke wasn't around.

But Naruto never said anything. Why?
Cuz he kinda had a similar treatment in his old school where kids would bully him mercilessly, expect here he had a friend, an actually 'friend'. The kids at his other school always loved to bully him and tease him and he dint know why.

He dint tell his parents but they eventually found out when he had come with his clothes dirty or slightly torn, a shoe missing or ripped pages from his note book. Eventually they had him move to this school.
He thought once he moved to another school it would stop and he could be happy.
Well, it did stop, he even made a friend and was hoping things would be normal for him but he was wrong.

Naruto dint tell his parents, worrying that he might have to change schools again, making things stressful for them. He also dint tell Sasuke.
Sasuke was his first friend and his only friend and dint wanna lose him. Fearing what if Sasuke felt the same way like them and left him.
For that he took it and kept quite.

And today Sasuke was absent.
They took that as a chance to bully him more and even go to the extent of saying that it was his fault that Sasuke dint come to school.

Thinking about why this was happening to him the child laid there on the ground, utterly exhausted and alone.


Meanwhile in the school staff room, their teacher, Iruka sensei "So Much work to do". Sighed tiredly messaging his shoulders.

"I guess it's about time I check on the kids. Hope they aren't into any fights."
He said as he got up from his chair and *ring ring, ring ring, ring..*

Walking back and picked up the call
"Hello, this Iruka sensei from Konoha Elementary School who might this be?"

" Oh Sasuke's mother, it's a pleasure that you called... Yes.. Oh your waiting outside.. I'll be right there ma'am. Just a sec." He cut the call and rushed out to the entrance to see Sasukes mother along with Sasuke standing beside her.

"Oh hello Iruka San I'm Sasuke's mother Mikoto Uchiha. I had taken Sasuke to the dentist for his checkup and thought to take him home but he was so adamant on coming here... So I wanted to know if it was ok for him to continue class?" Said Sasuke's mother in a monotone voice. While Sasuke looking up at his sensei not fazed a bit.

"Oh it's no problem at all. I would love to him have him in class" saying as he rubbed the back of his head.

"That would be wonderful. Thank you Iruka San for your time. I'll leave him in your care. Now if you'll excuse me" bowing down a bit towards the teacher and then turning towards her child"Sasuke dear, please be safe and take care. I'll pick you up once class is over, alright". She walked towards her car, waving back slightly, got in her car and drove off.

Turning back and bending down towards the kid "Alright Sasuke lets get you to class. Im quite suprised to hear you liked coming to school that much. I'm expecting great things from you, my boy. Oh by the way, your classmates are at the playground.. you can go play along with them or wait in class." stating in a calm manner.
Sasuke just nodded and ran towards the play ground.

"Kids these days, always in a hurry to play." thought Iruka, rubbing the back of his head again as he walked back to the staff room.


Sasuke ran towards the playground as fast as he kid sized legs could.
Once he reached his destination, he began searching for a certain someone.

He walked around trying to find a particular blond with 3 cat whisker marks on his cheeks to be precise. 'That dode usually plays in the sandbox, where did he go now?' he thought to himself.
He walked around a bit but still no trace of the blondie. 'where did he go? I was sure  he would come to school.. That's why I came today, So where is he?'
Walking further away, towards the ends of the playground, he saw a group of kids chanting somthing. Thinking, maybe they would he walked closer.

Reaching more closer to the group, he heared his best friend name, 'Naruto'.
Then he heard his name 'Sasuke' from what sounded like girls. Why were they talking about him? he thought.
Closing in on the conversation....
........ He heard it all.


Hope you all enjoyed it.
I know it's kind of a rough of Naruto, but I promise things will get better, I hope XD.

Disclaimer : I do not own Naruto (well Sasuke does) or the franchise.
(not bad or mean ones please! X3)

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