Looking At You

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Chapter 6: ~ 

 Weeks pass by...

We see our blonde, seated in class,  daydreaming about something... Or someone.?!


Naruto P.O.V

Uh...what a drag... this class is soo boring.*humph*.

Its been a week or two already and I still haven't apologised to Sasuke, dammit! why haven't I done it already....      
I know I messed up, but he did toooo...right?!! He knows that I hadn't meant what I said... I mean, it's not like he even tried to talk to me after that or anything. I atleast made an effort to go talk to him (A+ for effort) so what did he do, ignore me, that's what he did. Like Wtf. That teme, screw him, see if I care anymore.*humph*.
slouching down on the table and glancing out.

At the School grounds, students started gathering... from what it looks like, there's gonna be a football match.
I wish I was part of the te- ...focusing more to get a better view,
wait, isn't that....

...... SASUKE!!! what the.. how the hell did he get on the team!!  its no fairrrr...  that Bastard! he didn't even tell me he's on the team. How did they even select him being a stuck up, broody bastard he is. Aww.... man, he gets to play a match while I'm stuck in this boring ass class.

 The match had started, but Cerulean eyes were fixed on the raven.

Watching every step, every movement... 

ONE word - Mesmerizing.

For some strange reason, the blonde couldn't take his eyes of his best friend. Like he was some GOD or alien.

Something about the raven kept drawing his attention. Regretting he would miss something very important if he moved away.

The way he had control over the ball was extraordinary. As if the ball obeyed his every command. With speed and swift movement, he snagged the ball. And all those moves.. like... Woah!, how does he do that! You could tell that all other players listened to the Uchiha, loyally, without any doubt. Showing his dominance on the field.

Would have had countless matches With but never before had he watched Sasuke play from a distance. It's was a totally different experience and quite exciting.

 Watching closely, the jersey suited him well, framing an outline of his well-built body. Face dripping with sweat, along with how his shirt stuck to him, defining his body more. Eyes that gave a fierce look to anyone in his path. Pale skin slightly glistening in the sunlight. Body and limbs moved with such grace and coordination.
His overall Sex appeal was off the charts. Wait did I think that teme is sexy... nooo !!What's wrong with me!

Being too occupied with his thoughts.  While, on the other hand, his teacher had called him a couple of times and still getting no answer, had walked to his desk, to witness what was so important that the blondie was so focused on.

Smirkingly "Nice view ehh...Naruto"

Feeling the sudden presence, immediately tensing up, and blushing to what he heard.
"As much as you'd love to drooooool over The Uchiha, I would like you to pay attention in class"

" Wha-gg.. n-no.. I was just watching the match... " stuttering.

"ah-ha.. .. So you're not denying you were eye-raping the Uchiha... Huh?. Well my boy, if you wanna keep watching the show then you'll be seeing yourself in detention, are we clear?"

More giggles could be heard adding more shades of red to his face. Nodding in response, Slouching down more even more wishing that he could just disappear under the desk.

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