Here For You.

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Chapter 3 :~


Normal P.O.V :

'Naruto! monster! monster! monster!'..........

The Raven heard all of what they had said. He was utterly furious!..
His anger was at its peak. How could they do this to Naruto! And say those mean things!!

Creeping closer to the group "What Are You Doing?!" in a harsher tone, was all the came from his mouth

The kids turned to see who said that. Completely shocked and confused to see thee Sasuke Uchiha standing there.

'How did he come here? Where did he come? Wasn't he absent? He looks so angry!' were the only thoughts rushing into their minds. He looked angry, clenching his fist...glaring at them all.

Covering in fear, regretting everything, slowly they stepped back from their initial position.
Answering from fear, one of them yelled "It's was all Sakura and Ino's fault."... Immediately all others nodding in agreement.

The Uchiha glared at them dangerously.
Both of them were shocked, fear slowly sinking in.
"N-No!,I-.... I'm mean we dint do anything. T.. -tell him Sakura." Ino trying be defense.
"Yea we dint. W-we just told this idiot that you dint like to play with him. That's all.... Ye-yeah"..
"WHO TOLD YOU THAT!!" he shouted with complete rage, ready to pounce on them like a wolf ready to kill it's prey.

With all this happening, Naruto, who on the ground, ever slightly.. slowly lifted his head to see what was going on... Soon caught by the Ravens eyes. Their eyes locked.

Sasuke vitnessing the blond lying there covered in dirt, face bruised, his arms and knees were scraped pretty bad. Sasuke broke when he saw the bright happy azure eyes, now dried up from the crying and only lingering with hurt and fear.

Sasuke snaped "GET AWAY FROM HIM OR I'LL KILL YOU ALL" he yelled out as he ran towards the blond with force. The kids ran, frightened for there life, knowing not to mess with an Uchiha. Sasuke pushed Ino and Sakura away, blocking his way, harshly as he rushed forward.
The Duo fell hard, then slowly getting up crying and ran away knowing that they angered the Uchiha.

Sasuke rushed, crouching down and slowly lifted the blond and rested him on his lap.. "Naruto!Naruto are you alright? Say something. I'll Kill Them All." worried about the blond friend.
"It's alright teme, don't worry " whispered, trying to calm the raven.
"No! It's not alright dobe!". Grabbing on to Naruto's arm and lifting him up swiftly. Wrapping his arm around the others waist and hoisted the Naruto up. With that he was on his way to the infirmary.


Walking out from the washroom, towards the corridor, looking around 'he was supposed to meet the done here'.
Still no sign of him. 'Maybe that idiot forgot' he thought now walking  towards the school grounds.

He saw a spike of blond hair and moved closer. The dark obsidian eyes looking at the blond dobe. He was covered in dirt and had minute scratches."Yo dobe, what happened to your clothes?"getting slightly worried.

Slowly dusting away the dirty and paused... "Haha a.. hmm... It's nothing teme!" said the blond not looking into the others eyes.

"But- *ring ring ring ring * the class bell rang.
"Common teme let get going..!!" saying with a bright smile and started to pull the other.
'Hn' the raven replied, consumed by the blond and brushed the question away.

~End of flash back~

'I knew something was happening but why dint he tell me' the raven thought to himself... until-
"OH MY DEAR LORD!! What Happened To Him?! Who Did This!?!'  Iruka could say rushing to them.
Looking at the condition of the blond "We have to take him to the infirmary. But after that I'm gonna need an explanation!!" Sasuke just noded.


About 2  hours later.

Naruto, at the bed slowly waking up.
"Ah, Naruto your awake". He turned to see Sasuke, Iruka sensei along with his mother standing there.
Walking in was the nurse.."How are you feeling Naruto?" And checked him up. Turning back to the others" We'll I don't see anything serious. Just a bit of starvation. With a proper meal and a good amount of rest he'd be just fine" She nodded and gave a gentle smile back to the blond.

"Thank you, Shisune-san" Iruka and Naruto mother saying with relief.

"Sweety!, What happened? Who hurt you!? Tell me I'll kick them all out of this world for hurting my baby!". Naruto's mother in anger said looking at her son.... Naruto on the other hand slowly cringing. The other 3 slowly backing way from the anger radiating from her.

"Kushina-san, lets not get him agitated. Let's give him some space. Alright?! ".. Iruka calming the red haired lady
"Let talk about this in the office". He said signaling her to come along. While Shisune walked out of the room.

"Fine, take rest Sweety. I'll be right back" said kissed him on the cheek and turns around to see the raven haired kid standing there patiently, looking at the blond.

Realizing  who it might be "Oh! you must be Sasuke. I heard form your Sensei that you helped Naruto. Thank you so much  for helping Naruto, dear". She bent down and laid a kiss his forehead.

'Hn' he replied and nodded. As they both left. Leaving a blond and a raven alone.

After few awkward moments of silence..trying to break the ice
"Sa..-Sasuke....." the blond trailing off, looking anywhere else but the raven.
"Naruto.! Why dint you tell me they were doing that to you?"staring intensely at his friend.
But Naruto dint utter a word, just looking down.

"Naruto tell me. I know this happened before... Why dint you tell me sooner dobe!" he walked a little closer.

"It was n-nothing". Still not looking at his concerned friend.

"Nothing? Look at you........
you.. Dint tell me! Why?!" saying with so much sadness

"It's because.... "

"Because?. Because of what?? "

"Becaus- of what? Tell me.." before the blond could answer the raven got up on the bed and held both of Naruto's shoulders up, making the azure eyes look directly at the dark obsidian ones.

Letting go of all his Pent up emotions "Because I thought you would leave me and go away" eyes slowly welling up with tears.

"Why would I do That?" Sasuke said in a softer tone almost like a whisper.

"I just thought you would hate me like the others and leave me" said finally letting the tears roll down his cheeks. He was broken. He dint wanna lose the first friend, his only friend. He dint wanna be alone. All he asked for a friend and now......., was expecting Sasuke to leave him.

But something totally unexpected happened. The raven was now hugging him?!  Hugging him!! . Tightly wrapped his arms around the smaller, never wanting to let go.

Naruto was confused. He thought Sasuke would surely leave him. But here he was, hugging him, warmth spreading all over the blond boy. He felt so secure in the Ravens arms... Just so happy.
Wrapping his arms around Sasuke's neck, his eyes swelled up with tears as he cried.
Sasuke just Held him even more tightly. Like he dint want to let go of most precious thing he had.

After sometime, the blonds sobs finally came to a stop.
The overwhelming emotions made him more tired, sleep taking over as he leaned more into Sasuke.
Sasuke sensing this, gently laid him on the bed, and moved the strands of hair covering the blonds beautiful face.
He scooted close to the other laying on the bed, bringing him closer...... wrapped his around the smaller boy. Knowing that Naruto would be safe in his arm, he slowly drifted into sleep.


Hope you all enjoyed it.

Disclaimer : I do not own Naruto (well Sasuke does) or the franchise.
(not bad or mean ones please! X3)
Any suggestions plz do tell!

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