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Hey guys.... Sorry for not updating in so long. But, if you read the title, this "chapter" is all about the characters! So, grab your snacks and get comfy, because this is probably going to take a while.... Anyway on to properly introducing the characters!

Name: Percy Leah Fay
Age: Probably like, 16
Type: Superhuman
Gender: Male
Parents: Erika Fay, Nathaniel Fay

Name: Erika Fay
Age: About 33-ish
Type: Superhuman
Gender: Female
Parents: Unknown and Unknown 👍

Name: Nathaniel Fay
Age: 43-ish. Yeah, he's old....
Type: Not Special (Hello darkness my old friend....)
Gender: Male
Parents: Nathan Fay, Yolanda Fay

(I know, it's bad.)

And that's pretty much all of the characters I've drawn so far :). Thank you a lot and I will (probably) see you next time!
Much Love 💚
Word Count: 141
Mari~ out!

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 05, 2017 ⏰

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Morphed <Under Editing> (Wattys2017)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ