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Daniella's POV
I wake up and stretch. Once again Jonah isn't by my side. But I smell something. It smells like... like waffles. I haven't had waffles since my first foster parents who were actually nice.
I head into the bathroom and brush my teeth to get rid of my morning breath. Then I put on a T-shirt that has the boys' band name on it. Along with some black skinny jeans and converse. I brush my hair and put it in a ponytail and head downstairs.
"Good morning Daniella." Everyone says. "Good morning peoples." I say back. Daniel put a plate with two waffles on it.
"Just eat as much as you can. We're not going to force you to eat both." Jonah says. I nod my head yes and start to eat.
They're really good and I was able to get about one and a quarter waffle down before I was full.
"Hey Daniella can ask you a question?" Corbyn says. "Sure." I reply.
"You see I call Daniel Dani a lot. It's like his nickname and since your name starts with Dani I can't call you that so Can I call you Ella or Els.?" Corbyn asks me."Sure. I wouldn't mind." I say to him. He says thanks and walks away.
I walk back into mine and Jonah's room. I look in his full length mirror to see how I look.
I start to get blurry vision, then all I see is my ex foster parents, Rick and Allison. They're looking at me. All I can see is them hurting me in the past. All the mean and nasty word they said to me. I come back to reality and I burst into tears. I thought they would be gone once in jail but I was wrong. No matter what I do, I can't get them out of my head. They're locked up I tell myself. They can't harm you.
But all I see is them hurting me. When they threw  bottles at me. When they beat me. When they raped me. I was so lost in bad memories I didn't realize Jonah had walked in.
"Daniella what wrong?!? Are you alright?!?" Jonah asks worried. "Rick and Allison keep showing up. They're locked in jail but I see them." I say.
"Your okay. They can't hurt you." Jonah says. He walks up to me and gives me a gentle hug.
That's when I break.
"Jonah what if they escape. They could look for me. Try and find me. They could hurt me again. What if they go for you or Daniel or the boys. You guys could get hurt because of me." I say.
"Shh. Shh. It's going to be okay." Jonah says swaying the hug side to side. I soon close my eyes and fall asleep.
Jonah's POV
After Daniella falls asleep I lay her in our bed and tuck her in. I hope she's okay. I can't imagine what is going on through her head right now. I wish I could kiss her and tell her everything will be alright. But we're not a thing. She probably doesn't even like me. Oh well. Better go tell Daniel what happened.
"Daniel. Daniella's have daydreams. Well more like daymares. She says she keep visioning  as if her ex foster parents Rick and Allison were here. She says that she didn't want them to hurt us. I was able to calm her down and she fell asleep." I say. "Thank Jonah. You've been such a great amount of help." Daniel says.
"No problem bro. Anytime." I say.
The rest of the boys are supposedly going to the store but Daniel and I are staying. If Daniella does wake up she's going with the boys.
Daniella's POV
I wake up around noon and walk downstairs. The boys are about to leave. "Hey Els. Want to come to the supermarket with us!" Corbyn asked.
"Sure." I reply. I notice Daniel and Jonah are staying so I wave bye to them and they do the same.
I hop in the passenger seat and Corbyn's driving. Jack and Zach are in the back. They turn on the radio and some music played. I knew most of the songs.
You see when I was at school my favorite teacher Ms. Flairs would let me come to her room during my free period. She let me listen to music on the computer.
The boys had the music up so loud I was quietly singing along. They radio played songs like: Feel it Still, Havana, There's Nothing Holding Me Back, Ride, and their song Something Different.
When their song came on they were screaming and recording. I was just quietly laughing.
When we got to the supermarket and parked we walked inside. Jack got a cart and we started to walk down the fruit section. They got some apples and oranges. Then we walked to another isle. I saw some ramen so I picked it up. "Jack. I found your hair. I didn't know they sell it." I say to him. The other boys started laughing so hard. While Jack just playfully glared. I put it back down and we started to walk again.
They got some other things that I didn't pay much attention to. After we payed a couple fans went up to them.
Some gave me nasty looks and some just smiled nicely at me. They asked the boys who I was.
"She's just our friend of a long time." Is what they told the fans. After they took pictures with them we got back in the car and headed back to the house.
On our way back I got lost in thought. Should I tell the fans that I'm Daniel's sister. What if they ask where I've been. Or why Jonah had to carry me back to the van. But then people wouldn't be asking who I was all the time.
I don't know what to do. It's so frustrating. Anyways. When we got back to the house we put everything away.
Then my worst nightmare happened. Zach told me to get ready because we're going to the grove for dinner.
1034 words

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