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I was led up the winding stairs, the golden railing shined mercilessly beneath my palm. Ramona led me to the first door on the right of the third floor, revealing a canopy queen-sized bed that dominated the middle of the room. A wide panoramic window overlooked the city that sat beside the rocky, snow-capped mountains.

"You can come down when you're all settled. I'll be in the kitchen." Ramona said from the threshold.

My belly rumbled audibly at the thought of food and Ramona laughed.

"Food first it is then!" She winked before she left me alone in the room.

Something prodded my mind, like prying talons searching through my mind. I instantly knew who it was and pulled a wall of adamant rejection. I swore I heard the distant laughter of my uncle. He would be looking for any information that would give away my location which only meant that he'd already found out what my father had done.

I caught sight of my reflection on the mirrored doors of the wardrobe and straightened my dishevelled brown hair. How had I not noticed the state of my appearance before stepping into Nate's office after not seeing him for almost three years.

Both my wolves stood to attention at the thought of him. Even after so long, the memories of him were still ingrained into my mind. How he'd never lost sight of me once he saw me for those few months that he was passing through a human territory.

I was young and stupid to let him in, to think that he would actually whisk me away and let me forget about my family. I wouldn't be so delusional again. This was just a favour that Nathaniel somehow owed to my father and I'd be out of here in no time. So I opened the too large wardrobe and placed my backpack inside.

Unpacking would be a waste of time.

Before I could think of it any longer, I left the room and made my way downstairs to find the kitchen. I went through the spacious living room with a fireplace big enough to lose myself inside it and soft brown suede couches that sat atop a sprawling gold veined white rug. A grand oak table took over the dining room and I noticed little carvings around the sides. The antique yet stylish furniture made the house seem like it belonged to a large family rather than one werewolf.

The kitchen seemed to have found me when I aimlessly followed the remaining smell of food. Ramona was sat on a high chair, which I noticed were mismatched colours, leaning over the island bar as she dug into her plate of food.

Compared to when I arrived, there were no longer any workers carrying boxes and moving furniture around.

"Just so you know, we all refer to you as Prescott for both ours and your security," Ramona spoke up, slicing through our silence.

I looked back at her again, watching her jean-clad legs swinging beneath her chair. I nodded in understanding and headed for the fridge.

"So who else lives here?" I asked as I took what seemed to look like leftover food from the fridge.

I hadn't missed the other fridge on the other side of the kitchen.

"Me, my mate Jonah, Nathaniel and his brother Isaac, you, the guards, and the housekeepers. What you saw earlier with all the moving around was just Nathaniel being a drama queen about you coming over."

I set my food in the microwave, pressing random buttons until it started to work.

As I waited for my food, I moved to sit on a seat facing the shifter. Cool granite met my warm hands when I set them down.

"Why would he be worried about impressing a rogue?"

Her red brows arched in amusement, "Probably because he likes you."

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