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I was still reeling from that moment with Nathaniel when I padded down the cold stairs to the kitchen hours later. My rumbling stomach forced me away from the TV show I was watching to find something to eat.

The house was quiet save for the housekeeper's rustling about the empty rooms. I stopped short when I found Ramona hunched over the kitchen sink, gripping the basin and retching. I rushed to her in a heartbeat and held her hair back but nothing came out. Her breaths came shaky and short so I slammed the tap open and cupped some water in my palm before I bent her over the sink and splashed her face.

I waited for her trembling to stop before I asked any questions.

"What's going on?"

She shook her head.

I grabbed the nearest tea towel and handed it to her. She slowly dried her face and pushed back her damp red curls before giving me a wobbly smile.

"I'm fine."

My brows lifted in disbelief, "If you're gonna lie, at least don't let me watch you almost puke your guts up beforehand."

"Oh Alyssa, I haven't even told Jonah." Ramos ran a shaky hand through her hair and paced the kitchen.

I searched her body for signs of injury but nothing looked out of the ordinary.

"Well, start by telling me." I leaned against the counter.

Ramona closed her eyes and released another shaky breath, "I think I'm pregnant."

"That's...great?" I started, unsure of what kind of reaction she wanted.

"No! It isn't because Jonah and I didn't want any for a while. What am I gonna do?" She wrapped her arms around herself.

I waited as I allowed her to rant and rave in quiet frustration about her predicament.

"I mean... if you really don't want it just get rid, no?" I shrugged.

She shook her head aggressively, "I couldn't, what if the kid ends up being like some amazing werewolf who makes a change in our community. I'd be betraying my people."

Who would have thought packs were so loyal, even down to their unborn pups.

"If you feel you're not ready to tell him yet then don't, give yourself a few days to just adjust."

Ramona nodded slowly and I walked up to her to give her a hug.

"I'm so glad you're here." She sighed.

We pulled apart when we heard the boys spilling into the kitchen from the back door, all topless and sweaty from whatever they had been doing.

It was definitely a sight to behold.

Isaac and Jonah had grabbed hold of Nathaniel as they tried to furiously rub their knuckles on top of his head. I had a feeling he was allowing them to restrain him - his alpha strength was unmatched.

I glanced over to Ramona who had miraculously composed herself in a matter of seconds and washed away the remainder of vomit from the kitchen sink.

Nate looked at me for a moment when he managed to dislodge himself and I sent him a small smile. He smiled back and I had realised everyone had gone silent and were staring at us.

"I'm gonna go stick a movie in the cinema room." Isaac shoved his hands in his pockets and slowly started backing away.

Ramona and Jonah followed after him, leaving Nate and I alone.

"I think we scared them away." I chuckled.

"With all that crackling sexual tension, I wouldn't blame them." His dimples deepened on a smile.

I rolled my eyes and poked his chest, "You need a shower."

A housekeeper shuffled into the kitchen before Nathaniel could set my heart racing any further.

"Sir, Lincoln from the Ancient Council has arrived. He's waiting in your office." she said quickly before scuttling away.

"Shit, I forgot about that." Nate grumbled.

"Good luck with that." I snorted and headed for the stairs.

"Oh you're joining me for this meeting."

I stopped short, "What?"

It took less than ten minutes for Nate to shower and become presentable and for me to get into something other than the pajamas I was in. My hair was still damp from my shower so I managed to braid the brown mass back.

"You remember what we discussed after coming back from GIa's, right?" Nate asked as we headed for his office.

His voice was hushed enough for Lincoln to not be able to overhear.

I nodded briefly. He didn't want anybody knowing about the celestial stone, and for some reason, he couldn't trust the Ancient Council either.

He opened the door for me and I quietly thanked him before taking the chair beside Lincoln. Nate took his seat by his desk facing us and placed his feet on top of the table.

"It's good to see you again." The glint in Nate's eyes told me it was anything but great.

Had something changed since the last time the Ancient Council visited?

I set the thought aside and sat back as the men exchanged pleasantries before getting down to business.

"Is there any update on the rebel situation?" Lincoln asked.

I let Nathaniel speak first.

"Mikhail sent some humans to scout my territory. We managed to get some information out of them regarding Mikhail looking for Alyssa."

"Is it safe to say he still doesn't know your whereabouts?" Lincoln turned to me.

I nodded.

"And what about his communicating with you?"

I stiffened, "What do you mean?"

"Well he has a witch...I take it she is able to get into your mind."

How the hell did he know that? I looked at Nathaniel in question and he gave me a small shrug.

"Yes he tries, but doesn't get much out of me in terms of information."

"Let's hope it stays that way."

I frowned and Nate sent me a warning look.

"Let it go." his face conveyed.

But I wouldn't.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked Lincoln.

Pack members may respect the Ancient Council without fault but rogues like me needed to have respect earned.

"Well, at the end of the will always be a Petrov. A hybrid one at that, so you're lucky the Ancient Council is allowing you to still exist." His smile was small and condescending.

I released a humourless laugh.

"Here's the deal, O Mighty One, you may have lived a long fruitful life and ended up in the ivory tower of the Ancient Council, but I'm pretty sure I remember handing your ass to you the first time we met." I started.

Nathaniel muffled a chortle with a cough.

"You forget yourself, Alyssa" Lincoln spluttered.

"No, you forget yourself. I may be a Petrov but I have the power of a werewolf, vampire and a witch. If I had joined forces with my uncle everyone would fucking know about it because I can wreak some motherfucking havoc on you all. You think about that next time you and your Ancient buddies think it's a joke to treat my life like a board game."

My wolves thrummed through me in pride and I felt them taunt Lincoln's wolf.

Lincoln's smile was replaced with a grim line and it was my turn to smile at him.

"Should we continue?" Nate cleared his throat.

I didn't miss the shadow of a smile he sent my way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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