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Ramona and I stumbled through the doors of Nate's home and giggled to each other when I whacked my foot on the wall.

I hadn't shown as much restraint as Ramona tonight and found myself staggering to the kitchen for something to stuff my face with.

I squinted into the bright fridge and pulled out the first microwave meal I saw.

"I'm gonna head on up, are you gonna be okay down here on your own, or do I need to carry you up?" Ramona chuckled.

I waved my hand in dismissal, "I'll be fine."

The microwave pinged and I pulled out the lasagne, almost burning my fingers on the red hot foil in the process. I shoved a couple mouthfuls and hummed in enjoyment as I swung my legs beneath the stool I'd sat on.

It didn't take long for my chewing to slow as the taste of the lasagne registered in my mouth and I found myself spitting it back into the dish. It tasted like garbage.

"Not now!" I groaned as I slid off my seat.

My wolf wanted out and wanted out immediately. I ran to the sink and hovered my mouth beneath the cold tap before letting the cool water fall and soothe my heating blood for a couple seconds. But this time around, it didn't seem to work because my wolves thrashed against my internal barriers in an attempt to burst out.

I let out another pained groan as my bones started to dislocate and shift against my will.

Then my uncle's voice seeped into my mind, "Little wolf."

My knees crashed to the marble floor and I bit into my fist to silence the pained scream of my bones continuing to break and heal.

"Come back home to your duty and things will be much easier for you." He continued.

"No!" I growled.

I heard footsteps racing down the stairs and strong hands hauling me up towards a warm, strong chest. I sagged against Nathaniel as I felt my eyes roll to the back of my head.

"Alyssa!" He whispered frantically.

The sharp talons in my mind hooked deep and true and I cried out as they pried my thoughts open. I was rendered silenced as images flashed through my mind, his witch pouring thoughts of death and despair into my mind if I didn't return. The sight of Nate and his pack's dismembered bodies littering the ground and knives sinking into my gut repeatedly.

"You think I can't find you? You'll never be hidden from me, I have eyes everywhere..."

A scream crawled out of my throat as the pain of my invaded thoughts registered. My pants ringed within my ears while my body continued to hover between my human and wolf form.

"Alyssa." Nate called out my name once more and his Alpha tone had my bones rattling to attention.

When my vision returned to me, Nate held my face between his hands.

"Look at me! Breathe." He pushed away the hairs that had clung to slick face.

My breaths came out laboured and shaky.

"What the hell was that?"

"H-he was in my head. Mikhail- He showed me all these horrible things and I..." I gasped.

His grey eyes burned bright in anger and I buried my head into my chest and sobbed. Nate said nothing, but he didn't have to, his presence alone was all I needed at that moment as I cried through all the years of pain and anger.


The following morning, we said nothing of the night prior. Instead, I went straight to Gabriel and asked if there was anyway I could protect myself from mental attacks.

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