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Days after my arrival I'd gotten closer to Ramona while also avoiding Nate as much as I could. Between transcribing reports with Jonah, who I learned loved learning history and culture in his spare time, I spent my time with Ramona who enjoyed introducing me to other members of the pack. I barely saw Nate apart from when we all ate together a few times but other than that, he would be in and out of meetings or travelling to other shifter territories.

Although, I was surprised when Ramona announced that we would be travelling to the city with a few others and Isaac.

"I thought I wasn't allowed to leave the territory." I yawned as I approached the group who would be travelling with us.

It would be quicker to run in wolf form but the main road was the only way into the busiest part of town.

"You're not a prisoner. I don't see why this wouldn't be allowed. Plus, Nate owns most of the city." She shrugged and she swung her leg over her horse with ease.

There were no more than four of us travelling with two guards assigned to us in separate cars, one of which was Isaac. He carried a pistol while Ramona had a few daggers in her boots.

"Alyssa!" Nathaniel called behind me.

I turned and replied in question but was caught off guard when I found him to be topless. Despite seeing his bare muscled torso plenty of times, watching the droplets of sweat sliding in rivulets down to the waist of his dark blue pants was another sight to behold.

"Have fun will you." He winked.

I tried my best not to blush and nodded before opening a door of the four by four vehicle.

"Ally, wait a moment," Isaac called.

His cheeks were flushed and hair windblown from running all the way from the house.

"I don't think Nate told you about our pack healer." He started with a lowered voice.

My confused look seemed to have confirmed his statement.

"I suggest you find him when we get back."

"Don't I get a bit more information than that?"

He threw me a grin and winked at me, "Where would be the fun in that?"

"Of course," I mumbled.

"I'm glad you're with us, maybe it'll put a smile back on my brother's face for a bit longer."

I opened my mouth to pry further but Ramona shuffled me into the car as she jumped into the driver's seat. Another shifter walked by to jump into the pickup behind and Isaac narrowed in on the shifter.

Always the flirt.

"I'm starting to think you brought that girl along with you to get rid of Isaac." I squinted at Ramona.

She threw me a look of innocence before bursting out laughing.

"Ok, maybe but that's only because I didn't want him in our conversation."

She held her hand up, "And before you come back with a sarcastic reply. We're about to have a conversation."

I hid my smile.

"I know you don't like talking about it but it's eating at me!" She started.

I twisted my mouth to the side, wondering where Ramona was taking this conversation and was almost tempted to shut her down. But instead, I indulged her.

"Spit it out." I nodded.

"What happened between you and Nathaniel?"

And there it was, the question I had been dreading to hear but knew it would come out of someone's mouth soon enough. Of course it had to be Ramona.

I looked at the approaching market square in the city of Toga. The smell of multiple spices drifted towards me and I slowly inhaled its richness. I'd never visited Toga but it was known for its colour and vibrancy, their beautiful architecture just an extension of their many well known attributes.

I turned back to look at the shifter.

"I was afraid." I shrugged.

Ramona's full lips pursed in confusion.

"My uncle has a way of taking away anything that doesn't align with his plans. I didn't want to risk him messing up the great relationship I had with Nate, even if we were just enjoying each other."

It was all I had to say for her to understand that I could not let myself fall for a man who had people waiting from him to lead them.

"A rogue is an outcast. It would be a scandal if an alpha claimed one."

"You're no rogue now." Ramona interjected.

But I was born into it, it was part of my being.

"Alyssa, you're here because you have the ability to make history. Taking down your uncle will be something that is not easily forgotten. He's in the mouths of almost everyone across the continent, people fear him because his people are everywhere."

It was true. Mikhail had spread his poison across various lands. I would be surprised if I didn't see one of his minions in the market today. Especially when my uncle still attempted to enter my mind.

"So much faith in just one person." I huffed a laugh.

"With good reason."

Once we arrived, we parked in a parking lot just five minutes away from where we had to be. We finished the rest of our journey on foot and I was thrown into a sea of a bustling town square. Men and women shouted the prices of their wares and I watched Isaac stalk towards the stall that offered countless sweets. He always had a sweet tooth.

I was drawn to the stacks of books that were "on offer for a limited time only!" The plump man selling his books most probably said the same phrase every day.

Ramona took my hand and made a beeline to a stall that was less crowded by townspeople and travellers. She spoke and laughed with the seller who instantly started taking out a bag and filling it with silver and gold trinkets. The woman was a dainty old lady who seemed as though her eyes were set in a permanent smile. Ramona dropped a bag of gold coins in the seller's hand and we were on our way.

A scantily dressed witch fluttered her thick eyelashes at us and artfully opened her silky black robe for our eyes only.

I was surprised to see the beautiful whorls of tattoos that covered her entire naked body and I almost stopped to stare for a little longer - I was almost entranced by the art on her pale skin. 

"You interested in a quick tumble, ladies?" Her tone was deep and seductive.

Her jet black hair was artfully adorned in golden jewelry that only added to ethernalness of her beauty.

"No thanks, we'll come back later." Ramona called over her shoulder.

It was almost as if I was severed from the trance when Ramona pulled me away from the courtesan.

"Come back later?" I repeated.

Ramona gave me a sidelong glance, "It keeps them away, I wasn't actually going to take up the offer."

"Maybe I will." I smirked.

"Just make sure she doesn't take you back to her lair." She joked.

"Where exactly are we going?"

"To my favorite bar." Ramona gave me a wide and cunning smile. 

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