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After my mom walked out of my room I fell asleep. I wake up to my mom yelling quietly but I could still hear her. I check what time it is and my clock read '8:30' I decide to not lay back down so I start to head downstairs but then my mom yells "KAMERON CAN NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS AND IF YOU DARE TELL HER A WORD YOUR MONEY AND ALL THAT YOU HAVE WILL BE GONE". I stop in the middle of the stairs when I hear that statement. I squat down and hide behind the wall where she cant see me "I need time to process this... NO I DONT WANT TO SEE HIM I DIDNT KNOW I EVEN HAD HIM I DONT WANT TO GET THE LOOK FROM MY DAUGHTER THAT I DIDNT KNOW SHE HAS A LITTLE BROTHER WHO HAS BEEN LIVING IN A  FOSTER HOME" when I hear that I stop breathing for a second. I have a little brother. I have a brother. The words keep repeating in my head. Im pretty sure my mom hung up on them and walked back in her room. I hear the door slam and I tip toe downstairs and look for her phone. I find it and pick it up and look through her recent calls. Suprisingly it wasnt my dad she was talking to it was some random caller I.D. I call the number and after a few rings the other end picks up "Hello this is Castaways Foster Home For Boys what do you need?" a man picks up. I hang up and look at the number. It was a Arizona number so I put down my moms phone and tip- toe back upstairs. I grab my computer and type in google 'Castaways Foster Home For Boys'. One result pops up and I click on it. It was just down the road like a hour drive. I wasnt ready to go see my brother, and didnt have the time so I just shut off my computer and curl up in a ball. Hes going to hate me. Hes going to think that I knew about this. Maybe hes mean. Maybe he gets picked on. Maybe he thinks about suicide. Maybe he will never like me. All these comments go through my head and my head starts spinning. I walk into my bathroom and find my razor that I use to shave with. I carefully take out the blade from my razor. I throw my razor in the trash and hold the blade in my hand. Ive done this many times before. The memories of my dad flash back. My head still spinning the tears start to develop. I put the blade up against my wrist and glide it across my wrist. A tear falls on the scar and its starts to bleed. I grab the darkest towel from my closet and rap it around my wrist. I shut my room door and go into the bathroom and lock the door. Why did I do that. Why. I hadnt cut in so long. It happened so fast I couldnt stop myself. With the towel still tied around my wrist I throw my blade in on of my drawer under everthing. I take the towel and the bleeding has stopped. I grab the towel and put it in a trash bag and dump other trash in there so it doesnt look like I am trying to cover up something. I put on a sweatshirt and shorts and go downstairs I see my mom at the kitchen table with her hands in her hair. "Goodmorning" she says smiling "What is that" she asks "My trash can upstairs was getting full" I say giving her a weak smile. I walk out the door and see Jon. He runs over to me and walks with me to my trash "Sorry for the way ive been acting" he says and I nod. He stops me and looks at me "Have you been crying" he says and I shrug. He walks over to the trash can and opens the trash bag I put in there "NO" I yell at him and his body freezes. He looks at me and puts the top back on the trash. He stops infront of me and grabs my wrist and pulls down my sleeve. "STOP" I yell and pull back my arm and push my sleeves back down. "Kam please tell me you just slipped" he says looking worried "Dont tell anyone please my mom will put me into a mental hospital." He pulls me in and wraps his arms around me. I dig my head into his sholder and start to cry. "It happened so fast I couldnt stop my self" I say sniffling he just rubs my back "Are you going to tell ashton" he says. Ashton I cant show him he will judge me and hate me. I shake my head "please dont tell anyone" I say feeling dizzy. He lets go and puts his arm on my sholder and nods. He walks me into the house and I see my mom I didnt want to say anyrhing because my eyes were still pouring with tears "Boy problems" Jon whispers and my mom nods. He takes me upstairs and opens and shuts my door. He locks it and picks me up and sets me on my bed. My head was spinning faster and faster by the moment. "I just want to sleep"  I whisper and he just nods and sits on the floor. I shut my eyes and doze off.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2014 ⏰

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