Chapter 3

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'We're finally here,' I thought as we got off the ship. Lance charged out of the ship first and ran quickly up to the little farmhouse we had parked behind. He was like a little kid as he ran. He was yelling something in Spanish. A woman who appeared to be in her late 30s or early 40s came running out of the house. She hugged Lance and planted kisses on his face. I walked up to them and stood there quietly. She noticed me and said, "Who is this fine young man?" Lance smiled and grabbed my hand. "Mama, this is my boyfriend, Keith." She smiled and gave me the biggest hug. I hugged her back. "And in here," Lance said putting his arms around my stomach. "Is your new grandbaby." "Lance! How dare you go and get this boy pregnant?!" She yelled. "I'm  Camila, by the way," She said turning towards me. "Came inside you two! You must be exhausted!" I turned to see our spaceship leaving us.

Inside the McClain house, there were 6 kids (Including Lance) and 2 adults as well as 2 dogs, 4goats that were outside and at least 3 cats running around. Lance introduced me to all of his siblings. There was Sofía who was 13, Sebastián who was 11, Hugo who was  9, Emma who was 7, and lastly, there was Lucas who was 3. It was kind of strange to see so many kids that looked just like Lance. There were all so cute though. The dogs were both males, one was a Bulldog named Meatball and the other was a chihuahua named Prince. The Bulldog had white fur with brown spots all other him. The chihuahua was completely golden brown except for one black splotch on his back that was in the shape of a crown. Mr. McClain was a tall and sturdy man in his late 40s. He had a kind face though.

Nobody seemed fazed that I was pregnant. When I asked Lance why this was he said it was because he had called his mother before they arrived on earth and told her everything that happened in the last few months. 

Lance led me upstairs to his bedroom. I smiled when he opened the door. It was so perfect, the walls were grey and the walls and ceiling had glow in the dark stars on it. His bed was a single bed with a comforter that was covered in stars and crescent moons. In the corner was a small dresser. I felt like I was at home in the small room. I sat down on the bed opened my suitcase. There wasn't much in it sadly, there were a few photos of Lance and me. There were a toothbrush and some toothpaste as well as a few articles of clothing.

Lance sat down next to me and put his arm around me. I smiled at him and he kissed my cheek. "What would we name it?" I asked him. "Hmmm... Good question..." He said thinking. "I've got it," He said suddenly. "If it's a boy, then you'll name it, and if it's a girl then I'll name it." "I like that idea," I said to him. Lance bent over and whispered to my belly, "You're going to have two of the best daddies in the world." I giggled at him.

He sat up and said, "Mom's taking us to the doctors tomorrow. Coran says that the baby's at a point where we can figure out its gender." "That's great but, I can't really see a doctor for this." "That's right!" He said suddenly. "Then I'll just have to call an alien doctor." He grabbed his phone and dialed a number.It rang for a moment before someone picked up. 

"Hello? Coran? Yeah, it's Lance. Hey, do you know any doctors that can come and give Keith a checkup without all the drama?.........Mhmm..........Okay......... Yeah.......... Okay, thanks." He hung up the phone. "He is  going to send one down here as soon as possible." I smiled.

------The next day-------

"Keith! The doctors here!!!" I heard Lance yell from the bottom of the stairs. It was early in the morning and I hadn't fully woken up yet. I trudged downstairs in my P.J.s, not even bothering to get dressed. Over the past few days, my stomach has grown in size. You can tell there's a baby in there now. I didn't sleep very well last night either. I kept tossing and turning, trying to make my stomach stop hurting.

The doctor was a woman that was tall and skinny. She had grey hair and purple eyes. Her skin was tan like Lance and she was wearing a lab coat over a pantsuit. She had a kind smile that made me feel safe inside. "Hello Keith, my name is Doctor Griffen. I will be assisting you through your pregnancy. If you have any questions then please feel free to ask." She said cheerily. I smiled and said, "Thanks."

We both took a seat as Lance went into the kitchen. He came back out with a tray that had three coffee cups on it. He handed me one that had green tea in it the others had coffee. TThe doctor sipped the hot beverage gingerly. I sipped on my own drink then said quietly, "So how is this going to work??" She set her coffee down on the coffee table and said, "I'm going to use a device to take a picture off your tummy and I will be able to tell if the baby  is healthy or not." I have no idea how this sort of stuff works so I just went with it. But Lance didn't seem to like the idea.

"That's not how that works." He said. The doctor laughed and said, "Maybe not on earth but that's how  it  works on other planets." She then pulled a weird looking camera out of her bag. "Stand up for me and lift up your shirt for me Keith." I nodded and did as I  was told. It was a little awkward holding my shirt up. But I did it none the less.

When she was done I pulled my shirt down stepped behind her. Lance did the same. We were obviously curious to see what the baby would look like. Lance grabbed my hand and I bit my lip in anticipation. "Well," The doctor started. "It appears that the baby is healthy. Which is a great sign......... Ahh, there we go. Mr. Kogan, Mr. McClain. You're having a baby boy." I was shocked. I didn't really think this would happen. I was kind of hoping that I was just really sick and was going to die. Oh well, looks like I'll just have to live with this.

The doctor hummed then turned to Lance. "I want to scan you to, if that's alright." Lance shrugged and stood so she could scan him. "Hmm... yep just what I thought. Lance it appears that you yourself are part Galra... and something else... Altean. You are an alpha. That makes much more sense. Keith is an omega." We stared at her like she was crazy. "You didn't really think that a male could just get pregnant did you? No! It all has to do with secondary genders. Which means the baby might have a galran look to it." I froze. Lance is my... Alpha?

"The due date is September 4th. If you have any questions then feel free to ask!" She said as she started to pack up her things.  "Thank you, doctor," Lance said as he opened the door for the woman.

Lance's mom came running out of the kitchen. "Oh, my little Lance! It's going to be a boy!" She hugged me and said, "My first grandbaby! I'm so happy. This is so wonderful!" Lance got down on his knees and lifted up my shirt. He then kissed my baby-bump. He stood up then kissed me. I kissed back. "You're gonna be the best dad in the whole world." He said.

"Oh, you two are so cute!" Mrs. McClain said. "Let me get my camera." She left the room and came back with a camera in hand. Lance put his hands on my hips and kissed me. I kissed back passionately and we heard a camera flash.

Parents! Klance, You know you're too young.Where stories live. Discover now