eight // mean girl

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Early the next morning, Veronica woke up. Her and Jason were still naked, still intertwined, still aching.

"Holy shit." Veronica said, remembering everything that happened last night. From the suicide attempt of her seven-year-old daughter to the sex with a murderer. She got out from under the covers and began to put on the clothes that had been basically torn off her last night. Once she was half-dressed, Jason noticed her absence from beside him.

"'Ronica?" He asked in a very sleepy voice.

"What?" Veronica snapped out the question.

"Why aren't you in bed?" He sat up and looked at her trying to figure out how to make her ripped clothes not look so bad.

"I have to get dressed." Came Veronica's reply. "But my clothes are ruined." She looked at him and tried to hide her blushing, he wasn't wearing anything at all and his hair was tousled from sleeping and sex.

"I can get your suitcases for you." JD offered, getting up and putting on pants.

"Thanks." Veronica replied once he came back in with her blue suitcases. She opened the one with her clothes and got out a comfortable outfit that probably wasn't going to look good but she didn't want to look good.

"How are we going to deal with this whole thing?" JD asked, lighting a cigarette. Veronica knew he was referring to last night, but she didn't know if he meant what happened with Giselle or between them. Seeing her puzzled look made him hurry to explain. "I mean with Giselle."

"I have no idea." Veronica sighed, pulling on her fresh clothes. "I don't know what to do." She began to cry, sitting down on the bed.

"Neither do I." JD reminded her. "I don't even know how to talk to a kid really, let alone what to do when yours is hurting herself."

"It's just never been this bad." Veronica took the cigarette from JD's mouth and helped herself to a drag or two.

"I think maybe we should figure out why she did it, and try to help her with that issue." JD grabbed his cigarette back and smoked it a bit. "Dealing with the fact she's hurting herself by punishing her won't do a damn thing. We have to deal with the root of the problem."

"How would you know?" Veronica asked, not in a rude way but genuinely wondering. She had forgotten. JD held his right arm in front of Veronica, pointing with his left hand to very faint lines.

"I can't believe you forgot I did that, you used to stare at the scars." JD said with a small smile on his face as he recalled a younger Veronica's perplexed look at the scars while she told him on of the first things to really hit him in the gut - "I just don't understand why someone so perfect would do that."

"Veronica, I'm not perfect."

"To me you are."

"I just woke up, Jason." Veronica reminded him, snapping him out of the memory.

"Don't call me Jason." He said, causing Veronica to giggle.

"Oh, come on, I'm just teasing." She smiled. She was about to call him by his first name again but JD bent down and kissed her to get her to stop. "What was that for?" Veronica asked.

"Because I love you." JD answered.

"I love you too," Veronica replied, grabbing his hand in her own.

"Really?" JD asked, feeling his heart melt in that moment.

"I'm not gonna say it again," Veronica teased.

Out of nowhere again, there was a scream, just as the two were about to kiss the second time. They hurried out of their room and went to Elle's, where the scream came from. But they heard her talking so they didn't immediately go in.

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