christmas au // fluff one-shot

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1990 - Alternate Universe

This is just a sappy what if Christmas chapter. It has no effect on the actual story other than just being a cute little chapter for fun and Christmas.

Veronica Sawyer pouted at her family's annual Christmas party, she was severely unhappy.

"Ronnie, you should cheer up, it's Ellie's first Christmas!" Declared Veronica's aunt, Victoria.

"I know," Veronica grumbled before being startled by crying coming through the baby monitor she was carrying. "Work is never done." She said to her aunt before making a beeline to where her baby daughter was.

Veronica looked down at her crying one-month old, sighing heavily. "Do you ever stop crying?" She asked the baby, who coughed in response. Veronica took that as a no.

"Veronica, the baby sounds sick." Valerie interjected as she passed the room.

"Nothing I can do about it other than take her to the doctor in a few days." Veronica replied, lifting the fussy baby from the crib and rocking her slightly. Valerie rolled her eyes at Veronica's uncaring attitude for her daughter.

Veronica sat down on her bed in the room she spent all her years in, before reaching over into the first drawer of her nightstand and pulling out a Polaroid photograph. Veronica was on the fence about what would happen once Elle was older, what she would say about her father. But for now, Veronica wanted to tell the baby all about her father.

"This is me," Veronica said, pointing to herself in the photograph. "And this is your daddy." Veronica pointed to JD's picture before welling up with tears. "Gramma took this picture last Christmas. Look, he even had a slushee in the middle of December. He would have loved you very much." Veronica noticed the baby had fallen back asleep, so she placed her in the crib and went back to the party after fixing her makeup.

Veronica kept the baby monitor tight in her hands, to see if Elle would fuss again. But she was shocked to hear someone enter the baby's room. Figuring it was just a relative peeking in at the baby, Veronica ignored it. Until a voice, loud and clear and deep, came through the speaker. "Hey, pretty girl." The voice cooed and Veronica ran up the stairs. The voice was too eerily familiar. She opened her bedroom door to see a man, wearing a long black trench coat, holding her baby.

"Oh, there you are." The man said, looking away from the baby and to Veronica as if he was expecting her. It was Jason Dean, alive and well. "Merry Christmas." He told Veronica.

"Put my baby down!" Veronica shouted, tears pooling in her brown eyes as she snatched her daughter away from the man.

"No kiss?" The man joked, giving his signature smirk. Veronica didn't even crack a smile, so his face turned slack and serious. "I know it's my baby too, Veronica."

"Is not!" Veronica lied, pulling away from his arms.

"Is too!" JD laughed in disbelief. "Here, there's proof." He said, fishing a paper out of his pocket and handing it to Veronica.

Veronica read the paper once, and then a second time, the document confirmed that JD was the father of her little girl. She knew this already, but how the hell did he get a paternity test done on her one-month old?

"How did you even get her DNA?" Veronica asked, crumpling the paper and throwing it to the ground.

"Cheek swab." JD grinned, proud of himself. "What's her name?" He asked, in a soft and gentle voice.

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