nineteen // gameboy blues

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Giselle Dean sat in the backseat of the car, her eyes tracing the jagged beginning of a scar on her left wrist. She felt sad, she was now exactly eight and the Deans were leaving Sherwood, Ohio for good.

"Where are we going?" Elle asked her parents. Her father was the one driving and her mother was reading a book as best she could in the passenger seat.

"Wherever we end up, Elle." Jason Dean, her father, told her.

"I want to go back home." She replied. Sherwood was home to her now.

"Well that isn't exactly an option right now." Her father said angrily.

"Sorry," Elle mumbled.

"We're on the run, Ellie girl." Veronica said to her young daughter.

"Yeah but I liked Sherwood." Elle pouted.

The family had to leave so suddenly because Veronica's parents threaten to call the police about her diary after she wouldn't let them see Elle for Christmas. It was December 27th, late at night and they had to leave Sherwood. Just to be safe.

"So, think about a name you like." JD told Giselle, him and Veronica had already planned some things out.

"Why?" Elle asked.

"Because you're going to need a fake name, a new name." He explained and Elle nodded in understanding.

"Make sure it goes well with Dawson, that's our fake last name." Veronica added.

"Chandler." Elle decided not even a minute later.

"No." JD and Veronica said in unison.

"Why not?" Elle asked.

"You know exactly why." Veronica told her, her eyes narrowing.

"Fine. Then I want to be called Pommfador." Elle folded her arms.

"How about you pick something not stupid?" JD laughed.

"I just want to stay as Giselle." Elle said quietly.

"Aw hell, there's gotta be more than one eight year old with that pretentious ass name." JD rolled his eyes and teased Veronica and Giselle.

"It isn't pretentious, asshole. It's French." Veronica giggled because she found him funny.

"I like my name!" Giselle yelled.

"So do we, kiddo." JD told her. "We're just joking." And then Elle relaxed.

"You're all fucked, you know that, right?" Heather piped up from the backseat, her figure materializing beside Elle on the leather seats. This caused Veronica and JD to collectively groan.

"We are not fucked." Elle defended herself and her family.

"Language! You're eight!" Veronica scolded Elle.

"Well it's true! You and daddy are gonna make sure we're okay." Elle replied, rolling her eyes and turning on her Gameboy Color in purple, a Christmas present she got.

She started to play her favorite game, Tamagotchi. The little aliens she picked all had names after people she knew. There was Lindsay, and Ashlee, who she already missed. And Heather. She could only have three little aliens.

Besides her alien game, she had the Super Mario collection. She got that because she had learned to really like JD's old Nintendo and played them. Although there was an extra two games to the three he had - Mario Bros and Super Mario World. The latter became her favorite once she saw the little dinosaur named Yoshi. She also had gotten Pokémon Silver, which she also liked a lot. She liked anything with cute creatures. If you counted it a certain way, she had only three cartridges but seven games between them. Her parents even bought her the little light plug-in to see the screen of her Gameboy at night!

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