Chapter one

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"Good morning, Choi Minji~" Oh no, not him again. I woke up to see him smiling from my bedroom door. Gosh, he's so creepy at times.

Kim Taehyung, my best friend ever since we were born and we still are close till now. Nothing can separate us... Well, unless we're on a holiday we will be separated sometimes...

I'm older than him, thank god. He has the spare house key that my mom gave it to him in case something bad may have happened...

"Yah, get out and close the door. Byuntae." I stand up and take some stuffs for my shower.

"Yah, I'm not a byuntae~~~" he faked his cry again before closing the door. I sighed in relief and went to shower. It didn't take long enough for me to get myself ready for school and I went downstairs to eat breakfast.

There's still more than enough time for us to eat. Taehyung is my neighbour too so his parents didn't really care if he's next door.

Today's our first day of senior year which means new classmates and teachers and tablemate. What a waste of my time.

In school

"Okay, class. As y'all know. This is your final year and the school wants you to do your very best. This also means introducing yourself but we will skip that as all of you knew each other well ever since from freshmen year due to the programs provided by the school. Since we are skipping that, we will move on to sitting position." Mrs Park said as she took out a list of our sitting arrangement.

"....... Park Jimin and Kim Sunny. And lastly, the back seat is Choi Minji and Kim Taehyung. That's all from me. I've already distributed to y'all your schedule. Please refer to it and you may go for your first lesson now. Lesson starts in 10 minutes time. You are dismissed." Mrs Park took her stuffs before walking out of the class.

I sat near the window while Taehyung next to the aisle. I plugged in my earplugs and sleep while waiting for our Maths teacher, Ms Ong to enter. She's my favourite teacher since she understands me a lot. Jimin and Taehyung are also in the same class as me so Jimin shift to the sit directly in front of me. He turned and started talking to Taehyung.

I could feel him staring at me. Tae as usual is playing games in his phone. Ms Ong walked in and I started to take out my notebook for notes and Jimin winked at me before turning his back to us. I ignored him since obviously I don't have any feelings on him. I took out my earpiece and stuffed it in my pocket.

In canteen

I sat with Tae and Chim. We sat at the corner of the canteen as there are small tables only for us. And I'm uncomfortable with other people and sharing of space.

School went well. School has ended and Tae send me home again, as usual. Jimin's driver picked him up. He's a rich kid but he's... You know... Lowkey rich. No one knew except the two of us. His parents are friendly too, unlike those in novels and all when the rich family, especially the wife, is arrogant.

Anyways, we were walking home when Tae attacked my heart, again.

"Yah, Minji-ah. Saranghae~" he said it again with aegyo. I can't help and blush.

"Awww, is Minji blushing???" he asked again.

I shook my head and pushed him. I can't tell ya my feelings Taehyung-ah...

I love you... but you only regard me as your best friend...

I fall for you Taehyung-ah... I don't love anyone else... Only you...

In front of my doorstep

"We've reached, Minji-ah~ Go and eat and do your homework! I'll stay over your house again during the weekends." He said. I nodded before closing the door behind me.

Taehyung's pov

She closed the door and I heaved a sigh. Why does my heart skips a beat for a moment. Well, she looks cute when she blushed. What are you thinking, Taehyung-ah? You only care and love her as a best friend, nothing more than that... Wait... Is that even true? What if I like you?

"Argghhhh!!!" I let out a groan thinking about all this. I can't even get to know my own feelings. I went back home and closed the door before heading up and sleep.

Sleep is bae so might as well I sleep. Homework can do later.

Choi Minji, what have you done with my feelings????!!!!


Hey~ It's author-nim again!!!

How's the first chapter? Hope this story will attract more readers.

You know the drill, guys!!! Go vote, comment and share the story to your friends who's bias is V.

V is my first bias that I always fangirl of when I'm with my friends but now with Pd 101 S2, I'm having nus feelings on V.

I'm such an unloyal wifeu...😭😭😭

Anyways, I hope you guys love this story. I'll try to make this longer than Jungkook's story~

Hope y'all will read the next chapter...

By the way, what should I start my next chapter with? Please comment~






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Falling for my best friend - Kim Taehyung [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now