Saphael: Parent-Teacher AU

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Ten more minutes. Thats how long I had to wait until I could finally go home. Don't get me wrong, I love working at the school, my eighth graders aren't too bad, although some think that they're more adult than they actually are which creates a few attitude issues, but parent-teacher conference night is the worst possible thing to ever happen in the entire existence of the world. First you have tired and cranky parents, some of which had to take off early from work to come to the meeting, then you have a bunch of middle schoolers who think they're slick and can avoid seeing the teachers that give them bad grades, and then you have the teachers who are also tired and cranky from having to stay LATE at work and then have to have the energy to figure out how to say "hey your kid is a little shit give them more attention" without triggering an abusive parent/guardian reaction.

I was happy to finally have an empty room and was cleaning up all of my files and notes when my door opened once more.

"I'm sorry to be so late but is this Mr. Lewis' room?" A husky masculine voice asked and I turned to take a look at this stranger in my classroom.

The strange man was about 5'10 and a bit pale with jet black hair that matched his leather jacket. I sucked in a breath and had to control my gay as I remembered that this fine specimen was a parent who was probably happily married.

"Um yeah, hi, I'm Mr. Lewis." I introduced myself and scrambled out from behind my desk to shake his hand.

His hand was cold as it grasped mine and I shivered, pulling away. "I'm Raphael Santiago. I hope it's okay that I'm not a parent but Rosie is my niece and her parents couldn't make it so they asked if I could come down and see if she's doing all good." He explained and I nodded.

"Are you an emergency contact?" I asked and the man nodded so I found Rosie's contact card and saw his name. "I know it's excessive but can I see a photo ID? I wouldn't want to be handing out a student's information without making sure I'm giving it to the right person." I said somewhat awkwardly but Mr. Santiago actually smiled as he pulled out his wallet.

"It's great that schools are actually making an effort to protect the students information." He said as he showed me the ID.

I laughed and handed him back his card, "Yeah it was a lot different than when I was in school." I said and gestured to the student desk that sat in front of mine. "Not the most comfortable thing to sit in but would you like to take a seat while we talk?"

Mr. Santiago sat down and I pulled out Rosie's files.

"Rosie is a really good student. She's gotten A's and B's on all of her tests," I explained, pulling out examples, "and I've never had any behaviour problems with her. However, she refuses to participate in class discussions and I was wondering if maybe there was something I could do to make a more comfortable environment for her."

Mr. Santiago nodded to himself, "That sounds like Rosie. Always so smart, but so shy. Trust me Mr. Lewis there's not anything you can do to make her talk in this class short of taking everyone else out of it."

"Well then I'll just have to start making everyone leave the room when I want her to talk," I joked and was rewarded with a warm laugh. "In all seriousness though, I understand that some students are shy but this is an AP Lang class where a lot of points come from what we call Socratic Seminars, which are essentially just big class discussions on a topic or story we've gone over in class. These discussions help me know as a teacher who actually did the assignment and who either copied from another student or used the internet for the answers. While I'm aware some students are very good bullshitters- I mean they're very creative, a lot don't put effort in which let's me know what students are actually doing their work.

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