Thank You For The Venom

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Frankie squeezes me tight from behind, his hands on the front of my apron.

I begin to sense he wants something.



"Can you do me a super big favour?"

"I knew you were hugging that hard for a reason! Uhm, sure Frankie, what is it?" I release myself to look at him.

It's been 3 days since my outburst in Social Studies...and what days they've been!

On Tuesday, we had Art and Bob and I started a sponteanous paint fight. I splashed green all over his hair, but he didn't mind too much - he's been wanting to dye it for ages, apparently. Gee was very secretive about his painting - he wouldn't show me his. I wonder why?

Sigh, I wonder a lot of things about Gerard...

Ahem. Anyway.

On Wednesday, I went to Jamia's after school with Frankie. We had milk and cookies, then Frank drove us all to the roller rink in his Dad's old Volvo. He claimed he was 'borrowing it'. Apparently it's a weekly thing they both do though, this roller skating. It was real fun, but I'm not the most skilled skater - but neither are Frank or Jamia, so that was irrelevant. Frank kissed Jamia and hugged me everytime we fell down, kinda like a ritual.We must've fallen over about 47 times, so that means 47 lots of kisses and hugs. We were definitely feeling the love by the time we headed home.

Today, we all went to Starbuck's. Gee and I sat together, discussing our favourite drinks. Turns out he loves Mochas as much as me! Now we're in 3rd Period, and it's Cooking class. Frankie and I share a work surface, and he has to wear a hairnet that looks too adorable on him. We made cherry pie, and while they bake we can just chill.

"Wellllll...." Frank looks down at his feet, then looks up again slowly. "Can you keep a secret? I don't want...that hear."

I nod slowly, and he comes up close to me so he can whisper. "Well, me and Jamia have been dating for a year now, and I want to get her something special. Like, an anniversary present or something. So, I went to the pet store last night to check the prices, and...I'm going to get Jamia a puppy!"

I beam, and hug him close again. "Wow, Frankie! That's awesome!"

He starts to mumble again, because we see Jamia shutting a nearby oven wearing oven gloves the colour of the paint I flicked at Bob. "Here's what I kinda need help with, though. See, my mom says I can't look after a puppy 'til October, cuz we live in an apartment block. And the pet store told me that I needed to get the dog used to it's surroundings for a month or so before I give it to Jamia. So I was wondering, could you maybe..."

"...look after a dog, Frank?" I whisper, finishing his sentence. "I don't know whether my Mom and Dad would be okay with that..."

He looks at me pleadingly, and gives a shaky excuse. "Please, Sunny? I asked Gerard, and he can't because...uhm...well, he just can't."

Hm. Suspicious.

But still...I'd love to look after this puppy, I just don't know. My family love animals, and we have a pretty big house here in New Jersey, but it'd be a pretty crazy thing to just turn up at my door and say "oh by the way Mom, I've got a dog!".

Maybe...just maybe...Mom and Dad'll be okay with it? Hell, it's worth a shot. Besides, I love Frankie and dogs too much to say no...

" you want me to take it tonight?"

Frank grins and tightly hugs me so hard that I'm knocked off of my feet.

"Thankyou so much." He says quietly. "Gimme an address, and I'll drop her off later. Did I mention it's a girl? She's a real cutie! I think Jamia'll give her a proper name, but I called her Venom for now. She looks like a Venom."

"Yeah, a real cutie name, huh!" I giggle quietly, but my stomach's doing somersaults. "Well, thanks for Venom, I guess. I love dogs, it'll be pretty cool!"

I write my new address on the back of his hand, and smile at him enthusiastically. But the minute he bends down to take his pie from the oven, my smile drops.

What if Mom and Dad say I can't after I've just claimed I can? Where would I take this little one? Maybe I could hide her...but no, I'd have to walk her, and then what if she peed in my room? Questions. If I can't get my questions about Gee answered, I at least want these ones answered.

And there's only one way to get them answered. I'll just have to ask my parents.

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