The Only Hope For Me Is You

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Gerard's POV

I drew Beam in Social Studies again this morning. I think she's even more pretty (if it's possible) when she looks down, to be honest with you...that may sound odd, as I hate to see her sad. But I have to admit, she looked incredibly sexy with that expression, I tell you. Just beautiful -  her jade eyes staring distantly out of the window, messing with her light blonde hair in these adorable pigtails down to her hips...I can't believe this stunning girl is mine. It's like living in a dream world.

It still upsets me that she's sad, though. It turns this dream world into a nightmare world to know that my Beam isn't as happy as I am right now. This morning her face kept crumpling with worry, making these cute stress marks on her forehead. She loves Jamia, and Frank. I feel like I've ripped these friends apart just because I gave her a hickey, and that hurts me too. My own selfish ways lost her a friend. Well I'm going to change that. I need to get Frankie and Jamia to apologise! If Jamia had only, it's not Jamia's fault. The only person to blame is myself.

I'm behind the school's main building where hardly anybody goes, waiting for Beam right now. I've got the drawing in my bag now - I've drawn her with that beautiful dejected face, but it doesn't depict her beauty well enough. That's why I don't want to show her my work just yet. I'm afraid it won't be worthy of her. I try not to think about it though, and shove my bag into the corner to get it out of my mind.

I hope she got my message about us meeting here - I sent her text in German, the one class we don't share. It's good to meet here, because nobody will know about our relationship but we can still be intimate with each other.

Just as I'm starting to worry whether or not she's coming, I spot a pair of gorgeous ruby red lips smile weakly at me a few yards away. She throws her bag next to mine, comes into the shade of the building with me and burrows her head into my chest.

I wrap my arms around her, taking in her lovely scent. I don't know how to describe it. Homely, maybe?

"You do too." She mumbles.

Shit, did I say that she smelt like home out loud?

"It's like...when I look at you, Beam, I see something I don't see in anyone else." I suddenly start to confide in her about how I really feel. "I see a place where I want to stay forever. It feels like home when I'm with you. Because well, honey...nah, this'll sound like some stupid, soppy, shitty line from a chickflick..."

"No, carry on. I like chickflicks, y'know." She encourages me, looking up at me with curious eyes.

I smile at that, but I turn serious again. "My way home is through you."

She gasps slighty for a moment, and then speaks slowly and quietly. "I feel exactly the same way about you! If you ever left me, Gee...I don't know what I'd do. I love you with all of my being. The only hope for me is you, and I can't bear the thought of you leaving. Don't leave me. Ever. Please."

Why does Beam keep talking about leaving? I'd never leave her. She's all I've ever dreamed of - to be honest, I was scared about her leaving me.

"I'd never leave." I promise, and kiss her head again. "Ever. You're everything to me."

We end up kissing again. I love to kiss her - everytime our lips touch I feel so blissfully happy, and I feel this happiness radiating through both of us.

I'm the one to pull away though. "Sugar, I would stay here with you forever if I could. But recess is nearly over, and I need to go talk to Frankie and Jamia for you --"

She suddenly looks worried again, and starts firing questions at me. "Oh God, what if they don't understand? What if Jamia doesn't listen? Maybe she could hate me even more? Maybe Frankie could hate me even more?"

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