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Before Gerard can say anything I press my lips to his, as though there's a sense of urgency to the kiss.

I think there was - I urgently needed to kiss him!

He tastes faintly of liquor. Although it upsets me he got so drunk last night, I don't care - I had to kiss him. Besides, the taste's not as strong as I remember it was last night.

I pull away after a moment, and see him study my face carefully. He pushes a strand of hair behind my ear slowly, and whispers something.

"Am I dreaming? I must be."

"If it's a dream, then I don't ever want to wake up Gee. Ever." I say even quieter. 

"God, you are so amazing." He says gently, with a kiss on my nose.

We start to kiss properly again, but this time it goes on for a long time. He pulls me down gently on top of him, and I feel his hand trace my back.

This is wonderful, this is amazing, this is...none of these words describe how I feel right now. None of them.

After what seems like forever, he takes his lips away from mine - I wish forever was longer...

But I notice that he's pulled away so that he can kiss my neck, so it's okay I guess!

"Gee, I don't think you understand quite how much I love you." I say seriously, but smile as I do.

"No, Sunny. That's the case for me. You don't know how I feel when I look at you." He says in between kisses. "I bet Mikey told you this, and I know it's sentimental shit...but I mean this. Honey, you're the sunshine in my life. You really are."

I'm moved. And I know Gerard wouldn't lie to me, so I know he means it. I've never felt this way. I've never --

Woah! What's happened to the kissing?!

His mouth is set in one area, far down behind my ear. I hear a strange sucky noise - and it takes me just a moment to work out what he's doing. 

Gee's giving me a hickey.

I know I'll have a great big purple mark on my neck, and I won't be able to hide it at school (from teachers and the very nosey best friend I call Jamia!). But I don't protest. I can't. How  can I? I feels wonderful, and what I've wanted for so long...

I feel him finish, and his lips twitch in a smile on my neck. "A work of art, if I do say so myself!"

"You sassy bastard!" I laugh, and he takes his face away from my neck. It's creased into an incredibly sexy smile.

I've noticed these past few days that Gerard can display a vast amount of sass when he wants. He pouted the other day when I told him I couldn't go to Starbucks with him the night I went out with Frankie and Jamia.  Pouted.

The sassiness attracts me even further, though!

"Hush your mouth, Sunny! Sass is a vital emotion of every human being, I'll have you know. I just happen to have a vast amount of that emotion!" He giggles as he puts a finger to my lips. I take it off, grinning, and I'm about to kiss him again when --

"Sunshine! It's 12'o'clock, your breakfast turned into brunch a half hour ago!"

Gerard freezes with horror as we both hear my mom call me.

"I'll get up in a minute, Mom!" I yell back, my shocked eyes still on Gee.

"I'll go through the window." Gerard says quietly.

"Come back, though. Go out of the window, then knock on the door again. Pretend you're coming over for a bit - have something to eat. You must be fucking starved - all we had to eat last night was snacks. Stay." I plead, but he's already got up.

"Sorry, Sunny, I can't. As tempting as that sounds to spend a whole day  with you, eating your mom's epic cooking -" (he says this with a sniff of pancake smell that's creeping under the door) "- I can't. Not only do I look like a mess, but it'll look like we slept together!"

"And? You don't look that messy...and about the other thing, well...we're old enough anyway...and if we were parents understand urges...come on..."

He shakes his head, but smiles as he gets up. "I just can't, Sunny, I can't. I know your parents are awesome, and they'd maybe understand...but even if that story did work, I promised Bob and Ray I'd go on a fishing trip with them."

"Fishing? Sassy Gerard getting wet? Doesn't sound like the Gee I know." I say as he straightens his suit, which makes him laugh. 

I like how we are now. It's not awkward, it's all jokey...happy. It's such a warm feeling that's spreading through my body, like when you drink cocoa quickly.

"I don't really want to go, but Bob and Ray roped me into it and I felt mean saying no. Us three never hang out...y'know, just us, and they're obsessed with fishing - to be honest I'm not too keen. Sunshine, it's not someting I enjoy watching poor little fish suffer. But I don't want my 'fro bro or my Bobert to suffer either. It's awkward." He giggles again, then we hear my mom call me again.

"Sunny! It's been 20 minutes, not one! Come up now!"

Gerard kisses me quickly. "I have to go. I'll pick you up on Monday before school, okay?"

"Okay. Have a good time fishing - if it's possible for you."

The window's already open. He's about to climb out (by the ivy again) before I ask him one more thing.


"Yes, Sunshine?" He turns around swiftly.

"Does this make you my boyfriend?"

He suddenly grins like a child - a Frankie grin. "I hope it does! Does it? Oh my gosh, this is just so --"

He sees my face, then laughs. "Sorry. I'll hurry. Bye, 'girlfriend'!"

"Bye, Sass Queen boyfriend." I smirk, and then he jumps from the window.

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