Headfirst For Halos

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Gerard's POV

I wake in the early sunlight, blinking as the light hits my heavy eyelids. I'm cold - very cold - apart from one small warm spot on my chest and stomach. It's Beam, curled up against me, her blonde, beautiful long hair lying around her head like a golden halo. 

"You're an angel, aren't you?" I whisper to her, even though she's clearly deeply asleep and that was an incredibly cheesy yet true thing to say.

Suddenly, a sharp pain hits my forehead. Fuck! That really hurts!

Oh yeah. I'm still slightly drunk, aren't I? That would not only explain the headache, but would also explain why the fact that we're on a bench at roughly 4am on a school morning still pissed isn't worrying me at all.

Still, I better head home. I'm really cold, and if Beam wakes up she'll be freezing - I don't want her to catch anything.

I lift up Sunny, then stand, hooking my arms under her to support her. I push a vodka bottle (presumably mine) under the bench with my right foot before I start moving. I stagger slightly, feeling a bit dizzy, but brush it off as I try to find my way back to my house.

Somehow, I manage to make it back (even though I'm still drunk/tired - my eyes are really blurry - and being barefoot meant  I have a few cuts from glass and shit on the sidewalk). When I get to the door, I fumble around and look for keys...before remembering that I'm wearing my PJs.

Great. Just...great.

I knock on my door with the back of my hand, and Mom soon comes to the door in her robe and slippers, looking confused.

Until she sees me.

"Oh, Gerard. Not the drinking again." My poor mom shakes her head sadly, looking like she's going to cry. "Come on in. Is this Sunny?"

"Yeah. Sorryyy." I slur, walking in and nearly falling over Mom.

"Gerard! Your poor feet! You've got glass and dirt in them!" She cries as she shuts the door.

"I'm okay, Ma, seriously!" I smile lazily, even though I've never called her Ma and I'm really not okay.

"Look, let me just take Sunshine up to bed and we can sort out your feet, okay? I -"

"NO!" I shout suddenly, a wave of protectiveness sweeping over me.

"Sh! You'll wake Mikey, honey. Now just hand her over to me and I can -"


Aah. I'm at the Angry stage of drunkeness.

"Gerard! Hush! You're going to wake Mikey!" Mom hisses. "Look, I'll just put her to bed while I wrap up your feet, okay? You can join her just after we've done that."

I don't reply.

Because I vomit suddenly - luckily not onto Sunny - but I vomit all the same, covering the floor behind my poor mom and sadly a little bit on to her.

And with that, Mom silently takes Sunshine from me, and walks upstairs...leaving me stood alone, reflecting on how idiotic I've been tonight.

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