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Later on, I'm sat in my room at my desk trying to figure out what to write to Storm.

Hm. I mean, I have a lot to tell my brother since my last letter to him. A lot.

How do I start it?

My dearest brother.

No! I'm not from the 1800s, y'know!

Okay, let's try again.

Storm! Wassup, bro!

No. I'll seem like I'm the Fresh Prince Of Bel Air. However cool that show is, I'm not Will Smith.

Hey Storm, how's university?

There. Perfect. I continue writing.

We moved here yesterday, and y'know I told you I was scared? Fuck that. I'm loving it here! On the first day, I was shit-scared, and these dudes started getting all weird with me. Luckily, I got saved by this guy called Gerard, and since then things have been looking up! He introduced me to all his friends, and now I'm close with them too - there's Jamia, Ray, Bob, Mikey and who can forget Frankie? They're just all so awesome, I love them all to pieces but...okay, Storm, you can't tell anyone this, whether you know Gee or not. But...what if I loved him in a different way? I've just grown so close to him...and I think I

I stop writing and realise what I've written. Hurriedly, I cross it all out and change it.

I've grown so close to Gee and he's a real good friend.

There. Better.

Sooo much has happened! Let's start with Monday. Okay, well we were in Social Studies, and some dudes started giving me some crap, some girls started being bitchy, etc., etc. But I stood up to them, and Mikey, Gerard's brother, started clapping - soon the whole room was applauding me! I was so happy, seriously. Then, a few days later, Frankie said that he was getting a puppy for his and Jamia's anniversary (they're dating). But see, Frank lives in a big apartment block, so he can't look after the dog...but I can! She came here yesterday. Okay, so he told a little white lie - she's huge, and she's called

Venom - but I just don't care! She's adorable, and awesome to walk. I can't walk her tonight because I've got a date with Gerard

Now that bit needs crossing out too...

I can't walk her tonight because I'm going out with the guys, but Dad will - so it's all good.

Such an improvement!

Then, to top off this epic week, in Music Miss said I had to sing something about how I felt...y'know, when those kids were offering names at the stick on Monday? Well I sang our song - The Sex Pistols, y'know?

Anarchy In The UK, yeah! :)

"Sunny! Your friend Gerard is here!" I hear my Dad holler from downstairs.

Shoot, is it that time already? Better wrap this letter up.

Well, I better go. Enjoy yourself at University, okay? But try to finish your Studies soon so you can come home - I miss you!

All my love


I put the letter into an envelope, seal it and shove it into my right hand as I leave the room. Before I go, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Y'know, I think I look okay. I don't usually dress up, but tonight I just thought I might as well. My long blonde hair's backcombed and down to my waist, and I'm wearing a ripped black dress with matching Converses. I've got a bright red lipstick on and my arms jangle with the vast amount of bracelets on each arm. It looks quite good, if I do say so myself! I'm not one that would usually say that but -

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