Bruh I rewrote this chapter only for it to DElETE itself so I had to rewrite it yay! That's why this one's a bit short.
Chapter 2
"Oh my darling it's true. Beautiful things have dents and scratches too."
"Fuck fuck fuck!" Lola cursed as she ate her oatmeal. Not only was the oatmeal hot as shit, but she had slowly realized that her dad was actually committing to his drunken promises. In merely three days he had gotten a hair cut, cleaned the living room, and packed away most of Lyra's items. Augustus had even threatened to donate the boxes without letting her sort through them first.
He said they had a month or less to move, and with her father's progress, they might be moving within the next two weeks.
She dramatically slammed her head on the kitchen table as her father walked in. His naps had been cut in a trendy 'high-top' as he called it. He wore a bright white shirt which flattered his rich dark skin color, a patterned tie, and slacks that hugged his legs nicely.
"Why do you look sober?" she said as he opened the fridge.
"Is that supposed to be a compliment or...?" Augustus laughed as he pulled out the egg carton. It's sad that being sober is a compliment to him. She sneered.
"It's weird hearing you laugh without alcohol," she mumbled as she continued to eat. "and you haven't looked sober since, well you know." She waved her spoon around. Lola faced her dad fast enough to see the hurt on his face.
Augustus coughed before turning to the oven. "I want you to apply for the college in town, and when we get there you'll also be getting a job. I suggest you start looking for some scholarships or apply for financial aid." It sounded so final, and it wasn't an insult, but it sure made Lola feel smaller.
She had been wasting her life away hunting for answers in the woods. August aimed to get his daughter back on track. She wouldn't end up as another life with wasted potential.
"Also, I want to see progress in your room by the end of today, or a box goes." he felt low for using his dead daughter's items as a bargaining tool, but Lola had forced his hand.
Lola grabbed her backpack and silently left the kitchen.
The trees loomed above her like sentries guarding some unknown treasure. Maybe the treasure was the answer to a simple question, one Lola had asked herself time and time again.
She stepped on the red dahlias that the creature had left behind for her. Maybe Gardener had killed her sister for something. She would have to catch him to find out. Her stomach churned in excitement as she entered the forest. This time she felt closer than ever to finding it.
This time she walked into the forest as opposed to her usual sprint. Her eyes scanned the forest floor for a clue. It had left her a gift, perhaps it was ready for her to find it. She eventually reached her usual spot when she found something.
Where Lyra had died, instead of a flower, there was a butterfly hairclip. It was the size of Lyra's palm, and the gold medal shined in her eyes as she approached it. She gasped as the familiarity of it slowly sank in.
Lola pressed her hand to her lips as she watched it. Memories seemed to drown her, images of her finger combing Lyra's fine lush spirals before decorating it with their mother's prized hairpiece. Lola remembered her and Lyra running back home, she trailed behind Lyra.

Werewolf"she slept with wolves without fear, for the wolves knew a lion was among them." - r.m drake A story about a disfigured girl who found sanctuary in the woods where her sister was murdered. cover by @witchoria