a/n I feel like I only write this story when i'm really upset?
Also, I forgot to add a small detail to chp 2: there are gates entering Bronwick.
Chp 8
Vivian was acutely aware of the plane that flew above them as they approached the border. Lola was already starting to nod off.
After forty minutes of driving, they had passed the 'See you soon!' sign and Vivian's skin pickled with sweat as they approached the sentry gate. They technically wouldn't be authorized to leave and depending on the rank of the sentry on the post, the chances of them disappearing without too much drama were slim. The alpha would hear of this, and the beta would be no doubt be merciless in his pursuit of them, especially since Lola's scent seemed to entice a lot of single men.
"Lola wake up." Vivian said, her voice was loud and stern.
"Wake up! Lola!" She said more urgently. A sentry waved their car forward. One sentry napped idly in a small booth, while another was stationed outside. They were both armed with weapons. Viv squinted her eyes, usually, there were three men who were supposed to stand watch.
"What's the matter? Are we out of Brons-"
There was a tap on the window. "You know the drill, open your window, Gamma Vivian."
Viv rolled her eyes as she noted the Greek symbol, a Delta sign, on his uniform. He was newly promoted and it really showed. "You know I get promoted in a few months, Jared?" She flashed a quick smile. Jared had a wife named Lisa, and the fact that he did made Vivian elated. The pup in the booth was another issue entirely.
Lola squinted her eyes when she saw the woman smile, Vivian didn't seem like the type to do that, to casually smile.
"Delta Jared." Jared corrected, "You call me that while I'm working or the kid back there will never learn respect! You got paperwork to leave?"
"That's a big wolf," Lola whispered as she watched a fat wolf exit the thick foliage surrounding the road. Her heart twisted with anxiety as it slowly inched closer. "Vivian." her breath felt shaky she sized up the creature, it was big and bear-like. It reminded her of-
"Well I'm not in uniform, so I'm just Vivian right now. And you see, my paperwork didn't get improved in time, but the girl really needs to-"
"VIVIAN!" Lola screamed as the wolf slammed into the side of their car.
"Charlie what the fuck man!" Jared sounded exasperated as he rounded the car.
The wolf stood on its hind legs and used its front paws to scratch at the window of the car. "Dude back up." Jared laughed and kicked the wolf away. Charlie didn't seem to like that as he growled lowly at the challenge. He lept onto Jared and snapped at his face.
"What the fuck man!" Jared used the long barrel of his gun to hold Charlie's muzzle back. As he grappled with the wolf, Vivian slipped out of the car and into the booth.
Lola scrambled to get her seat belt off as she curled herself into a ball.
As soon as Vivian pressed the button to lift the bar preventing them from leaving, the sleeping teenager started to wake. His eyes rolled back into his head as he took in a deep breath.
"Mmm." He hummed as he shoved Vivian out of the booth and ran towards the car.
Jared shot Charlie two times. Once when Charlie scratched his face, and twice when Charlie bit his ankle. "Shit!" Jared screamed as the dart when in-between Charlie's eyes.
"Why would you make me do that?" He yelled.
Jared heard the girls screams and painfully lifted himself off the ground. Duncan an early bloomer, a boy meant for the thick of battle, and he watched in horror as Vivian emerged from the booth with Duncan's weapon and aimed it at the boy.
"He's just a boy Vivian! Barely a Gamma!"
Jared didn't notice how Duncan's nails peeled off his fingers like stickers as black claws grew in their wake. He didn't register Duncan's black eyes and frothing mouth, or how his skin started to toughen.
He shoved the gun from Vivian's hand, but not before she got one good shot. The tranquilizer had found a home in Duncans back. Duncan turned around and anger filled his gaze. He stalked towards Jared.
Meanwhile, Lola's screams had ceased, mostly because her throat hurt, but also to peek outside of Vivian's window. When she saw her friend, or rather escape buddy, shoved to the ground she knew she had to help.
She grabbed Jared's discarded weapon, which was uncomfortably close to the wolf named Charlie.
Jared's eyes widened as he took in Duncan's appearance, "Duncan you're -" The boy lifted his hand and swiped it.
Vivian watched in horror as Jared crumpled to the ground. The four deep gashes in his neck were squirting blood.
Duncan's gaze settled on Vivian.
"O-Over here! I'm distracting you!" Lola nervously taunted. She fired her weapon.
"Stop closing your eyes!" Vivian yelled as she dodged Lola's darts. She reached for Duncan's weapon and fired four shots into Duncans back.
One in his shoulder, and three in his ass.
"I hit him! I hit him!" Lola heard the unfamiliar sound of happiness coat her words. She felt an unfamiliar feeling swell in her chest, pride? Or maybe relief?
Vivian didn't want to tell Lola that she actually didn't hit the boy at all. She had been the one to save them, She had grabbed Duncan's weapon and fired four shots into Duncan.
One in his shoulder, and three in his ass.
But Vivian thought Lola looked accomplished, and she knew that was an unfamiliar feeling to the girl.
Vivian had radioed someone to pick up the bodies, she knew that the beta would hear about this and rush to the scene himself; however, she had fired five elephant tranqs into a teenage boy.
No one else should have to die that day. She closed Jared's eyes and prayed for Lisa to forgive her.
After that, they were on their way.

Werewolf"she slept with wolves without fear, for the wolves knew a lion was among them." - r.m drake A story about a disfigured girl who found sanctuary in the woods where her sister was murdered. cover by @witchoria