Chapter 1 : The Beginning

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Year 2022

Eren's POV

"The tension between Paradis and Marley has become higher than ever. Military expert said war will happen in no time.....", the television news reporter said.

"Come on Eren, time for school.", my mom said as I finished the last piece of my bread. I grabbed my bag and walked towards the door.

"Bye mom, bye dad.", I said as I closed the door. As I locked the door, someone kicked me from behind. I groaned as I turned back my head and saw Mikasa stood behind me.

"That's hurts Mikasa! Why you done this every day?", I said.

"I don't know.....maybe I like it.", she smirked and walked away. "Come on or you'll be late." I frowned at her as I got up and walked downstairs. We walked along the street, on our way to school.

Oh I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Eren Yeager. I'm 15 years old, studied at Shinganshina High School. And she's Mikasa Ackerman, her age as same as mine, we are friends since we're kids because she live beside my apartment. I have to admit she's quite good looking but have a bad temper.

Soon we arrived at our school, the amount of student attend to school had reduced from day to day because of the recent incident with Marley.

"Another day at school.....I hate it....", I sighed as I walked into my class. I sat down and took out my books and wait for the class to start.

"Hey Eren, are you afraid if war happen?", Armin came to my place and asked me.

"Armin....I'm already sick of this topic, go ask somebody else....", I impatiently said. "*sigh* Yeah...kinda scare tho."

The teacher came in after that and the class started. After a while, I started to get bored and I looked outside of the window and I saw a little flash in the distance.

"Eren! What you staring at?", the teacher angrily asked. I'm just froze as I looked at the flash started to multiply and getting closer and closer.


"Guys.....look....", I weakly said as I pointed at the window. The teacher looked at the window and his face expression changed drastically.

"Students! Get away from the window! Hide under the desk!", the teacher yelled as someone pulled me under the table before the window shattered.

"Stop daydreaming, Eren. You're almost die.", Mikasa said.

"What the hell just happen?!", Jean yelled.

I lifted up my head and have a peek at the outside world. I widened my eyes as I saw a barrage of attack helicopters flew towards us. Missile were launched by them to the distance.

Suddenly our classroom door opened and a military officer barged in.

"You all have to leave this area, the war has started.", the officer said and directed us to the empty ground in front of our school for a helicopter ride to a safety place. As we ran towards the empty ground, I saw an explosion at the direction of my house. I widened my eyes as I stared at the fireball growing bigger and bigger.

"Mikasa......I'm sorry....", I said as I looked at her.

"Huh....?", she looked at me in confusion.

"Bye...take care of yourself.", I said as I ran towards the gate, tried to go back to my house.

"HEY! COME BACK!", the military officers yelled at me as I ran but I don't care.

"Hey Eren, I'm coming with you. My parents are there too.", I heard Mikasa said beside me as we ran along the already destroyed street. The roaring sound of the fighter jets ripped through the sky. Gunshots were everywhere.

"Follow me....", I whispered as I looked for enemy soldier. "We're getting closer..."

We ran as fast as we could, hoping our family will survived this. I'm stunned as I saw half of the apartment has gone.

"Mom! Dad!", I yelled as I saw my parents hid in the alley way while a random stranger shoot the enemy using a assault rifle.

"Eren?! Why you're here?", my parents were shocked after they saw me. "Aren't the military had initiated evacuation?"

"I'm worry about you I came back.", I said. "They have a set up an evacuation point at our school."

"Really....then we must leave now.", my dad said.

"Emm...Mr Yeager, have you see my parents...?", Mikasa asked. My parents' face expression slowly became saddened.

"I'm sorry.......Mikasa.....They didn't make it.", my dad said as he pointed at the already half destroyed building. Her eyes were widened as her legs weakened and fell onto the ground. Tears slowly rolled down from her cheek.

"We have to go they started to push in!", the stranger said as we prepared to move to my school for evacuation. Mikasa still sat on the ground, shocked by the loss of her parents. I went by and hugged her.

"Mikasa....I know this is a pretty hard time for you.....but you still have us, me.", I said. She looked at me, I wiped away the tears from her eyes.

We started to run as fast as possible to my school, avoided any contact with the enemy solider. As we ran passed a crossroads, we encountered a bunch of Marley solider, they unrelentingly started to shoot at us. The stranger was unfortunately killed during the shootout.

We're terrified as we tried to dodge them but my mom accidentally tripped and fell over. My dad quickly ran towards her, tried to pick her up. But my dad never made it, as he approached his wife, one bullet went straight through his head, he fell down and never get up again.

"DAD! Mikasa! Go to the school now, don't care about me!", she just stunned at the moment as I yelled and I immediately turned back and ran towards them.

"EREN! RUN! LEAVE US OR YOU'RE DEAD!", my mom yelled as she crawled towards the lifeless body of my father.

"NO! I'm not leaving you here!", I yelled.

"No Eren run---", she couldn't finished the sentence as two bullets went through her chest. She's coughing out blood as she gave me one last smile before her consciousness slowly fades away.

"MOM!!!!!", I yelled as I grabbed a assault rifle on the ground and started shooting the enemy solider.

"DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE!", I yelled as I started to shoot whatever person that's in front of me. I can't held back the urge to cry as memories of my time spend with my family flow back to my mind.

"AHHHHH!!!!", I heard someone yelled, I turned back my head and noticed Mikasa has been shot on her leg. Soon I ran out of bullet and I quickly ran towards her.

"I'm coming! Mikasa!", I ran towards her and pulled her to a car wreckage nearby.

"AHHHH!!! It hurts!", she groaned in pain, clenched tightly to my arm.

As they closing in, I realized that we have no where to go, Mikasa is hurt, I don't have anything to protect ourselves. Just about the time I'm giving up hope.....

Help arrive....

"Civilian spotted! Alpha, Bravo squad, laying down suppressing fire. We'll get them to safety."


".......Uncle Hannes...?", I looked at a familiar face ran towards us.

"Eren, Mikasa, are you guys hurt?", he asked.

"Emm...she got shot in the leg...", I said as I widened my eyes and stared at him.

"This is Hannes, we need a med-evac, GSW on a civilian.", he reported though the radio comms. "Just remain calm, we'll tried to held back as long as possible. Okay?"

Soon a medical chopper arrived, we brought Mikasa into the chopper. "Bring them to safety.", Hannes said before he closed the door.

The medic immediately started to treat the injured Mikasa as I stared blankly at the window. The town I knew, the town I grew up, Shinganshina is gone....

"I will kill them, all of them.", I said in my mind as I clenched my fist in anger.

World At War (AOT/SNK Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin