Chapter 7 : First Mission

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Eren's POV

The chopper slowly decent, kicking up plume of dust. We exited the chopper as fast as we can. I signaled the pilot the leave since it'll exposed our location.

"As I said during the mission briefing, rescue our captured comrades, I need all five of them, I don't want a fail mission in my record, okay?", Levi said through the radio comms.

"Yes sir!"

"Okay. Eren is the field commander, he's taking charge of the mission. Follow his orders and the extraction chopper will be there at 0600 hours, 8 hours from now. Eren, bring them back safely."

"I will, sir. Eren out.", I said as I looked at all of them as they waiting for orders. I cleared my throat and said.

"So we need as less men as possible to keep down our presence. Reiner's squad will stay back as backup, understand? Armin, give me the map.", I said as Armin passed me the holographic map.

"Affirmative.", Reiner replied.

"This is our target location, Mikasa, Sasha, give us sniper support at this building, it's about one kilometers from the target location. The rest on me and I need one more member.....emm, Jean?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?", Jean said.

"Since you just tagged along, how about temporary joining my squad?", I asked.

"That's fine by me.", Jean replied.

"Okay, Reiner's squad will group up right here to provide backup if shit things happen." I said as I pointed at the building near the target location.

"Roger that.", he replied.

"Okay! All things had been brief, check your weapons, make sure they're suppressed, keep the our men's and hostage safe and come home safely! Understand?", I said.

"Yes sir!", they all replied.

"Mission is a go, move out.", I said. I lead my four men squad, ran across the empty streets, checked every corner for signs of enemy activities.

"Eren, two at twelve o'clock.", Mikasa said through the radio comms.

"Thanks.", I pulled out my knife and stabbed on his chest while Connie gave the other a bullet in his head.

"Hide the bodies.", I said as they dragged the bodies into a abandoned store. "Let's go before anyone finds us."

Mikasa's POV


"Shut up, I'm tried to focus right now.", I said as I looked at my scope, tried to find any threat.

"That's rude Mikasa.", Sasha jokingly said.

"Fine...what?", I reluctantly asked.

"Nothing.", she replied with a cute face which kinda bothered me.

"*sigh* Can you do something useful?", I said in a despise tone.

"I'm so boring right now.", she started to whine.

"Then help me to find targets will you?", I said as I turned my head while gave her a death stare.

"YES I WILL!", she nervously said as she quickly focused herself on the scope. I sighed and I stared at the scope and I saw something which resembled the hostage at the second floor window of the target house.

"Eren, this is Mikasa. I got confirmation, hostage at second floor. Be careful, I see tons of people at the building compound.", I said though the radio comms.

"Affirmative.", as soon as he replied, gunshots filled the comms. I looked out and realized they've been ambushed.

"Sasha, I'm rooftop, you're street.", I calmly said as she replied as we both fired our guns. Threat are quickly eliminated as Eren's team quickly move to the target location.

"We're entering the building.", he said as I saw them disappeared into the building.

"I lose visual contact on you guys, be careful."

Eren's POV

"Guys, NV goggles on.", I said as I pulled down my night vision goggles. "Jean, check our six."

"Roger that.", he replied.

As we carefully move inside the building, the only sound I heard are just our breath. I stared dead at my optic, waiting for someone came across. We slowly walked upstairs, suddenly we heard someone called for help. Then I noticed two of them are in a room.

"We're from the Special Operations Squad, are you guys injured? Where are the rest?", I said as I cut away the zip ties.

"No but the other two were brought to the opposite room.", one of them replied.

"Okay, we're going to save them. Jean, Armin, bring them downstairs.", I said as I walked towards the opposite room. We stood before the door, looked at each other. I nodded as I kicked the door open.

I quickly aimed my weapon to the enemy soliders as they pointed at the hostages.

"Put down your gun or I'll kill them.", he said with a ominous tone. For minutes we stared at each other, no one dare to make a move.

"What should we do? We can't just stand here forever.", I said in my mind. As I tried to think of an idea, a voice appeared at my ear.

"Eren, I might be able to kill one of them. Just force him closer to the window.", Mikasa said through the comms as a little smile appeared on my face. Slowly I moved closer to them as they moved backwards.

"That about it, present will be coming at the twice the speed of sound.", as soon as she said, one of the head  were blown into pieces. Before the other one can react, two bullets went through his head by me.

"Package secure, retreat asap."

We soon arrive at the rendezvous point with the backup team.

"Call our transport, time to head back.", I said to one of the soldier. Couple minutes later, as we're still waiting for the exfill chopper, I heard the sound of a chopper.

" that ours?", Jean asked.

"No....there's no way they can arrive that fast...", Mikasa said as she reload her weapon.

"So...there's only one possibility...", Armin said.

"They're coming....", I said

Sorry for not upload anything for a long time because I started my university life a while ago so I don't have much free time but I'll try to update as much as I can.

And btw I have two stories in my draft so stay tune.

Peace out✌

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2018 ⏰

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