Fun study

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I have to do more studying and extra homework assignments. Great.

'Should I call him? He did say that he was available mostly all the time.' I debate with myself staring at my phone only inches away from me. I had so much to cram, again and he was so helpful last time.

Eventually I pick up the damn phone and dial the number I was given. I pause before pressing the call button, it's been a week or so since we met, should I really?

I mentally slap myself and tell myself not to be a paranoid bitch and press the screen.

The sound of ringing filled my ears until I heard a click followed by a familiar voice.


"Hey Namjoon, it's Y/n. I was wondering if you could help with my homework, if you don't mind." I say nervously playing with my fingers. I hear him sigh as if he was thinking.

"Yeah sure. We'll meet up at the library again okay. But do you mind if a friend tags along, he's been bothering me all day and won't leave me alone." Namjoon chuckles quietly waiting for my response.

"That's fine, I'll be there in ten minutes. See you." I smile to myself and my cheeks begin to heat up.

"Okay, see you soon." He hangs up and and I get up from my bed and get all my books ready.


"Y/n hey!" I snap from my small daze as I was waiting for Namjoon, who had just showed up.

"Hey, where's your friend?" I ask looking around him not seeing anyone.

"He's in the bathroom." Namjoon smiles showing his dimples. I smile in response and look down at the ground.

"Hey Namjoon hyung is that girl here Yet?" I turn to meet a red haired boy with a boxy smile. He stopped in front of me, realising my presence.

"Taehyung this is Y/n, Y/n this is my friend Taehyung." Namjoon introduced us and I give Taehyung a small smile.

"Hello, nice to meet you."

"You're so polite, no wonder Namjoon likes you." He laughs walking into the library.

I give Namjoon a weird look and follow behind Taehyung as he does the same. We sit in the corner of the library when I find all the books I need to help me.

"Namjoon hyung why are you helping Y/n? You never want to hangout with me." Taehyung whines quickly flipping through the pages of one of my boring English textbooks.

"She needs help with her English study and I offered to help." I see Namjoon smile at me through the corner of my eye making me smile and my cheeks slowly tint a light shade of pink. "Anyway I don't hangout with you because you're annoying and loud." I lift my head up from my book to see Taehyung holding his chest in an offended way, staring straight at Namjoon with a deathly glare.

"Calm down you two, don't go getting into a cat fight." I chuckle rolling my eyes. They both look at each other then back at me with sorry expressions. "So, Namjoon I'm having trouble translating this." I push my book towards him and he reads it carefully.

"It says 'Stay strong through your pain, grow flowers from it, you have helped me grow flowers out of mine so, bloom beautifully, dangerously, loudly, bloom softly. However you need just bloom' Namjoon says slowly so I could copy it down. "I didn't think you would be doing poetry, it's kinda hard to understand." He smiles, passing the book back.

"What the hell did that mean?" Taehyung tilted his head in slight confusion.

"It probably means that no matter how hard things seem, you have to get over it and become stronger using that pain to push yourself further." Namjoon stated. It made sense but I wonder how he could put it in such a poetic way.

"Thank you, also could you tell me how tense works. You know like past tense and future tense." I explain looking at him with curious eyes as he thinks. Namjoon takes my book and writes a couple notes down.

"Say you're writing the word look you change the ending so you add an 'ed' or a 'd' at the end of the word. For future just put something like the word will in front of the word so it changes what the sentence shows." Namjoon smiles at my interest and I nod showing that I understood.

My teacher had explained this in class but she doesn't explain it as well as Namjoon, either that or I actually like paying attention if Namjoon is talking.

"Thank you again." I shyly smile and continue my work. 

"Y/n do you pay hyung?" Taehyung taps my head to get my attention.

"No, unless I have to but Namjoon has never said anything about payment." I look up to see Namjoon's eyes focused on a book, probably not even paying attention.

"I don't get why people like school work, it's so boring." He groans.

"It's because I like having things to do, I like to be busy." I smile.

"But you finished school so why do you want to spend more at university?" Taehyung rest his head on his hand looking directly at me with a questioning look.

"Because I find that learning a new language like English is kinda fun and will be useful in the future." I place my pen beside my book and give Taehyung my full attention. He looks beside him over to Namjoon, who was still paying attention to his book, then back to me. A huge boxy smile present on his face.

"You two are nerds."

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