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Namjoon and I continued to hangout, not just to study but to explore the various places of the city. But today was different, it was the last day I can study before the exam.

Like usual we met up at the library, greeting each other kindly and starting a small conversation.

"Taehyung decided to leave you alone." I laugh as we set up our equipment.

"yeah he said he had to go to his cousins birthday." Namjoon sighed in relief with a small smile spreading across his face. I loved seeing his cute smile, it always warmed my heart.

'Y/n concentrate. Now is not the time to flirt.' I yell in my head looking away from Namjoon's face down to my books.

"I have all the translations memorized and I understand how to change them if needed, I think that all I have to do is revise and I should be ready for the exam." I smile at Namjoon showing how thankful I was.

"That's great, lets get to work."

Namjoon did the usual routine and gave me some things to translate or define or something like that. Half way through studying I put my pen down to rest my hand and i look up to see Namjoon reading a book, like usual.

"Can I ask you something?" He immediately stops reading and looks at me with his eyebrows raised.

"Sure." Namjoon places the book down giving me his full attention.

"How did you learn English, you're much smarter than me but we're almost the same age?" I rest my head in my palm eager to know how he knows so much.

"I-uh... when I was young I learned by watching a show." He nervously rubbed the back of his neck looking down at the table.

"Wow, you're self taught that's amazing." I exclaim with wide eyes.

"Well at first I watched it with subtitles and then later on I watched it without them."

"Really? You're smarter than I thought!" I giggle giving Namjoon a happy look.

"What you didn't think I was smart before?" He raised his eyebrows and put his hand on his chest as if he was offended.

"It's not like that." I laugh going back to work taking a quick glance at Namjoon I see him smile, shaking his head before continuing to read. In the corner of my eye I swear I see him blush.


"I think we're done for today." I yawn while putting all my books back into my bag. Namjoon nods, gathering all his stuff.

We silently walk out of the library to be greeted by the cold night air. My hair blows over my face making me stop walking to fix it up.

"That's a pleasant look Y/n." Namjoon laughs at my messy appearance.

"Shut up I can't help it." I snap back with a mad expression. I roll my eyes and a small smile crept it's way on my face.

The city was lit up by the stores and restaurants that littered the area and the dim street lights that were placed along the road. Other people walked around enjoying the night, young couples, families and people who had just finished work walked in different directions yet the place didn't seem crowded.

"Y/n." I turn towards Namjoon. I immediately something warm around me. My face against Namjoon's chest and his long arms wrapped around me back holding me in a tight embrace.

My face heats up and I stand frozen in his arms. He lets go of me seconds later with a smile and a faint blush whereas I was completely red and kept looking at the ground.

"What was that for?"

"Just wishing you good luck for the exam, you worked really hard so don't worry about it." A dimple filled smile covered his face making me blush more at his cuteness.

"Thank you so much." I bow showing my gratitude.

"It's fine. Anyway we should go home it's late and you need rest." Namjoon takes my wrist and lightly pulls me forward.

It only takes less than ten minutes to get to my house so we were there in no time. I walk up to my front door turning around and waving goodbye to Namjoon.

"Make sure to get plenty of rest and have a big breakfast when you wake up. I'll text you tomorrow, good luck!" Namjoon yells while walking away from the apartment complex. I lean in the doorway smiling before making myself comfortable inside.

I have dinner, a warm shower and now getting ready for bed. I made sure to set my alarm so I don't oversleep.

As soon as I was going to fall asleep I hear my phone ding from my bedside table. I pick it up seeing that I had a message from Namjoon. I open it and adjust my eyes to the light before reading it.

Namjoon: Good luck again! Fighting <3

I put my phone back down not being able to stop smiling.

'He really believes in me!'

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