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Namjoon had helped me a lot with some occasional visits from Taehyung who keeps on annoying the both of us, saying that we would be a great couple and how Namjoon hasn't dated in a while, now I see why Namjoon thinks he's annoying. Don't get me wrong, Taehyung is extremely nice and funny but he can be a bit annoying but I guess that's what makes him Kim Taehyung.

Namjoon and I had arranged to take a day off of studying and planned to go to a small cafe to talk and hangout. I thought it was a good idea so I obviously agreed.

As I was getting read I heard my phone ding from on my bed. I turn from my closet and reach out for my phone, reading the message.

Taehyung: Hope you enjoy your date with hyung!!!!

Why that little-

Y/n: It's not a date! We're just taking a break from studying for a bit

I sigh waiting for his response.

Taehyung: Call it what you want cause in my mind it's always gonna be a date. HAVE FUN!!!!!! LOVEEEEEEEEEE YYYOOOUUUUUUUUU!!!!!! Stay safe and don't have too much fun ;P

Jeez, this kid I'm gonna kill him one day I swear. I turn back around focusing on what I was going to wear, throwing my phone back on the bed, sighing again. 'I swear I sigh more than I speak.' I laugh to myself in my head as I pull out a shirt with a rose print on the front along with a pair of blue skinny jeans.

After getting changed I brushed my hair and tied it up before checking the mirror making sure I looked somewhat presentable. I then message Namjoon saying that I was on my way and headed out to the cafe.

It wasn't a bad day today, the sun was out but it wasn't hot because of the gentle cool breeze that was in the air and it was almost the afternoon. Spring time was always so beautiful, but also annoying because of hay fever getting triggered by everything in the air.

Walking across the road to the cafe I was supposed to be at I could see Namjoon waiting out the front on his phone. He looked displeased as he looked own at his phone before shoving it in his pocket and looking up. Namjoon scanned the area before seeing me only meters away from him, he smiled and waved at me to get my attention.

"Y/n hey." Namjoon greeted me with a classic dimple smile.

"Hey, were you waiting long?" I ask nervously. 'Why am I nervous? This isn't a date.'

"Nah I only got here a couple minutes ago." I was happy to hear that because if he was waiting for a long time I would feel so bad for taking such a long time.

We both enter the small cafe and find a table at the back corner of the room. The cafe had a rustic look with an urban twist. The walls were made of wooden planks and was decorated with many photos, framed records and shelves that had small plants and figurines on them. There was soft music playing in the background and wasn't too loud so people could still hear each other. It was a nice place, it reminded me of how much I wanted to run a cafe when I was in high school.

"Y/n can I ask a weird question?" I look at him with a questioning expression before slowly nodding. "Did Taehyung text you earlier?" I roll my eyes and a small laugh slips from my lips.

"Yeah why?" I raise my eyebrows waiting for him to say something.

"Really? It was weird wasn't it? Can I see it?" I hesitate before nodding and handing him my unlocked phone and he does the same.

"Why did you give me your phone?"

"Just read it." he smiled in annoyance when he read my messages. I looked down at the screen of Namjoon's phone.

Taehyung: Betcha Y/n's gonna be wearing something cute to your date!

Namjoon: It's not a date!! Tae stop being annoying. You might have a thing for her BUT. I. DO. NOT!!

Taehyung: Stop lying I know you two LOOOVVEEE HER, remember you never stop talking about her

Namjoon: Piss off!!!

I finished reading the texts and looked back up to meet his eyes.

"I knew it. I'm gonna kill Taehyung one day." Namjoon laughed handing me back my phone.

"That's exactly what I said, Taehyung can be too much to handle." We get interrupted by the waitress coming up to our table.

"Sorry to interrupt your conversation. What would you like to order?" She spoke with a soft voice and wore a small grey apron over her slim body.

"I'll get a vanilla latte and the carrot cake please." I say sweetly as she writes it on her notepad.

"And I'll have an iced americano and a piece of chocolate cake." Once we ordered the waitress re-read our order then left us to wait.

"So when was your exam?" Namjoon rested his chin on his palm directing his gaze at me.

"It should be next week." I look down at the table and sigh. "I'm not really confident though."

"It's okay to feel like that but with all the studying you've been doing I'm sure you'll pass." Namjoon chuckles reassuringly making me smile.

The waitress comes back with our food and coffee. We got into conversations about whatever, it didn't matter what the topic was because it was always fun talking to Namjoon, he just had a way with words that made me feel comfortable.

The time came when we finished our meal and decided to leave the cafe. We got the bill and I reached for my purse but Namjoon grabbed my wrist stopping me from doing so.

"I'll pay don't worry." Namjoon smiled.

"But I-" Before I could finish my sentence he had already paid. The both of us walked out of the restaurant and into the quiet street. It was still light outside but the sun was close to setting.

"I was going to pay as a thanks for helping me study." I pout looking down at the pavement.

"You can repay me when you pass the exam." Namjoon laughed, his blonde hair dancing in the breeze. 'Doesn't sound like a bad idea.'

"Okay but don't expect anything amazing cause I have to afford it." We both laugh at my statement. Namjoon and I walk around a bit, enjoying the comfortable silence.

"Oh look at the time, I should get going." Namjoon says looking up from his watch.

"Oh- sorry for keeping you out so late." I apologize but he just shakes his head with a small chuckle.

"It's okay, I like hanging out with you. See ya." He waves goodbye before turning and walking the opposite direction. I stare at his back until I could no longer see him. I'm still smiling at what he said, he likes hanging out with me. A small blush crept on my cheeks.

'Why am I falling for a complete nerd. Taehyung was right wasn't he!?'

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