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It was done.

After two hours of thinking and struggling, the exam was done. The last one of the year.

I return home after the exam seeing as I had no more classes, hopefully I pass so I can graduate. Of course I had other classes such as my music course but I wasn't worried about that because I knew I was going to pass wheres English was a troubling topic.

I jump on my bed finally relaxing after weeks of study. Not gonna lie it felt really weird to not do anything but it was good to calm down a bit.

I hear my phone ring beside me. I pick it up reading the name on the screen.


"Hello?" I wonder what he could be doing.

"Oh you picked up. I thought you would be asleep by now." He laughed.

"I just got home actually."

"Sorry, you were probably going to get some rest. I just wanted to check up on you." I find myself smiling at how awkward he sounded.

"It's fine I'm actually glad you called." 

The rest of the conversation was just full of calm banter and me thanking Namjoon repeatedly. We even planned on what to do after I got my results back.

Just talking to Namjoon made me feel better and less tired. He was always caring and gives useful advice. This may be the first time I have had a friend like this, all my past 'friends' were liars and always kept secrets from me, kept me from doing what I wanted to do or be myself. Betrayed me and turned away when I needed them the most. Or I was too gullible to believe they would stay.

A few tears fall from my eyes before I wipe them with the back of my hand. "I thought I was over it." Laughing to myself I lay back down on my bed.


"Y/n snap out of it!" My body suddenly shakes, snapping out of my cloudy daze.

"Namjoon! I'm sorry I just-"

"Don't worry, you just seemed a bit weird." Namjoon laughs standing up straight showing off his height. "Sorry I was late I had to sort stuff out."

"It's fine." A wave of relief washes over me when he says this. The reason I spaced out was because I was worried that he had set me up or forgot.

We walk inside the restaurant and get a table. Both of us look at the menus and decide what to have and give the waiter our order.

"So you got your results back?" Namjoon breaks the comfortable silence between us. I immediately remember why I was here in the first place. I pull out a sheet of paper from my bag and hand it to him across the table.

He stares at it for a while before looking at me with a big smile. "Congratulations." His simple reply made me happy, probably making me blush. Namjoon gives the paper back to me.

"I should be thanking you, you really helped me out." I say sincerely, lightly bowing my head. Namjoon laughed nervously muttering a small thanks under his breath.

The night went on and to be honest it was more enjoyable than I thought. We both found out our similar interest in music and spent majority of the night talking randomly about the topic.

We finished dinner and I paid. Since it was still early in the night Namjoon offered to take me to a nearby park which I obviously accepted.

The two of us reached the park and found a bench so we could continue our conversation. As usual, we spoke for ages about dumb things and possible ways to get Taehyung to stop annoying us.

"Well I gotta get going." Namjoon sighed getting up from the bench.

"Sorry I didn't realise how late it was."

"It's fine. I'll talk to you later." He waved back to me and I nodded, turning and heading home. I almost reach the street when I was stopped by a sudden force on my back. I couldn't move and I felt a pair of arms wrap around my shoulders. I turn to face whoever it was and see Namjoon smiling at me. His smile was one of the best things I could see in my life. My body heats up and I try to hide my blushing face.

"Why are you-" Namjoon releases me from his hold and I turn around.

"S-Sorry I just. Thanks for tonight." His voice warmed my heart.

"It's okay, we should do more fun stuff soon."

I smile knowing that he could see me blushing and I knew he was a bit flustered himself. Namjoon's small gesture would stay in my mind for ages.

That night was the last time I was going to see him.

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