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"Are you sure you're okay. You sound really tired." I say into my phone hearing a deep chuckle from the other line.

"Yeah I'm just having trouble adjusting to the time here." Namjoon sighed.

"Okay but I'm gonna let you get to sleep. Please get some rest, you need energy for your studies."

"Hey you need sleep too." I smile at how caring he sounded.

"Alright, alright. Talk to you soon Namjoon."

"Yup, keep in touch." The call goes dead and I take the phone off my ear. Oh how I pleaded to feel his presence.

Namjoon moved to America to continue his schooling, leaving me in Korea after graduating. He didn't even properly tell me he was going to leave until right before he left. Namjoon wanted to pursue music as did I but he wanted to make music and use his skills to create more complicated forms of sound. I wanted to do the same but after graduating I had to find somewhere where I could actually use the skills I had learnt at school to do the same as Namjoon. But I guess he wanted a broader form of education, or something.

Even though Namjoon was gone for a year or two I was still close to Taehyung. He helped me find places to audition even though I really didn't want to due to my anxiety. Taehyung was always there when I wasn't successful and he kept urging me to continue searching and not to get worked up.

"Y/n look what I found!" Taehyung held his phone in front of my face. I saw a picture, looked like a poster. It had 'Audition' written in big bold letters and other info under it. By looking at the screen I could see that it was obviously a notice for people who want to audition for the company.

"What company is this, Tae?" He sits beside me placing his phone down.

"It's a new company called Bighit. I actually think you'll make this one cause they need trainees." Taehyung smiles widely.

"I don't know I haven't been successful in the passed six months." I sigh quietly resting my head on my palm. I wasn't wrong. In the past six months I have auditioned for over eight entertainment companies. All of them rejected me, obviously.

"If it makes you feel better I'll also audition." Taehyung wrapped an arm around my shoulder. My eyes widen and a small smile spreads across my face.

"Really? Tae you don't have to-"

"I want to, I know I don't have much talent but I think it'll be fun even if I don't get accepted." His smile was so big and bright it almost blinded me.

I roll my eyes not having much of a choice. "Fine but let's make a deal." I turn to fully face him with a completely serious expression.

"Yeah? What about?"

"If I don't get accepted I'm gonna stop trying out for companies." I hear Taehyung sigh.

"Fine, I guess you've auditioned for every company in Seoul." He pats my head lightly. "Don't worry I'm sure you'll be fine. But does Namjoon know about your auditions?"

My breathing suddenly stops. Truth was, I hadn't told him. I hadn't told Namjoon a lot of things. I didn't mention my auditions, I didn't even tell him I had decided to actually pursue my love for music. I was a terrible friend and I had to live with knowing that.

"No. I haven't told him, I wasn't planning on doing so for a while." I stay silent as Taehyung stared at me in disbelief.

"But you two are best friends-"

"I know but I don't want him to care about that. I want Namjoon to focus on his own work." I stare at my lap hoping this conversation would end.

"Anyway, we should get some rest. We gotta big day tomorrow."

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