Chapter 1

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All characters and story plot are fiction works, any similarities is purely coincidence. 

All pictures used in the story are not mine. Pictures used are indirectly related to the story.

Tucking in her white button blouse into the black tight pencil skirt she had on, Dena released a sign of frustration and tiredness. Who would've thought someone having a Bachelor in Criminal Law and a Master's Degree in Law and Politics would wound up doing two shit jobs, just to have the bills paid and basically support oneself to carry on living.

Grabbing her CV and printed qualification papers from her bed, she reminded herself to swing by Gordon's Legal Law Practice firm today. It has being three years since she graduated and like any other university graduate, she has being applying for jobs but not getting any, apparently if you have parents who are lawyers, the chances of you getting a job is greater than those who don't.

"Tim, for goodness sake, remove your stinking drawers from the window," Dena said before she smacked a shirtless Tim in the chest as he walked pass her.

"So Mrs Nancy came by yesterday evening, I've managed to buy us two more weeks before she'll come by for the last three months rental."

"Thank you, I'll try and work something out later, now I have to go or I'll be late and I want those drawers removed from the window before I'm back, if not, I'm setting them on fire," she said.

"Yeah, whatever, tell Joe to give you a rise, handling his shit ass all day in that washed up motel is no easy job," Tim said before Dena could close the door behind her.

Seeing Dena's raised up middle finger as a reply, he lets out a chuckle before shaking his head. They might not be related by blood, but to him she'll always be his older sister.

Entering the Laxtin Motel, her best friend's smiling face is the first thing she saw. Tim's washed up description of the motel is not quite accurate. The Laxtin Motel is one of the best one's you can find around town, despite the name motel on the outside sign, the place is run more like a hotel and also has some hotel service aspect to it, like the cleaners coming in everyday and changing of linen is done everyday. The building's grey paint on the outside makes it blend into the other building along Crow-street. On the inside the bedrooms have a light blue painted wall, bed, double and single size beds with Bedding's in white,blue and light gray colors, the rooms are quite spacious, even the common cooking area is quite large and very clean, the motel also has its own pub, one that is very popular among the locals. Working as a receptionist slash front desk clerk, the job's pay isn't really bad when she started working. It was the global economic recession that really affected the business. Dena knows she was lucky that she wasn't laid off, seeing as she was only working at the Laxtin Motel for about six months, both the wages and staff was reduced.

Everything at Laxtin Motel was fine with Dena except her boss Joe Dilly, the man had a temper that can go off on the silliest things and the way he stares at Dena always gave her the bad kind of chills. If she didn't badly need the job, she would've quit a longtime ago but since she has bills to pay, the work needs to be done.

"So what's with the new outfit," Mary asked as she eyed Dena from head to toe.

"Joe's gonna stick his finger's into your mouth if he saw you chewing that gum while talking to the customers," Dena replied instead.

"Don't change the subject girl, now where's the dick taking you today," Mary said before she popped the gum she was chewing.

"We're going to the plumber's, I'm gonna try and scare his plumber with a fake lawsuit, before you give me another lecture, you must know, I'm doing it for a hundred dollar bill."

"If I had your brain and your qualification, I'd have him pay me a five hundred dollar bill, just to scare the plumber, now to add on to that, he has you doing odd jobs for him all the time, why settle for a hundred anyways, " Mary said.

"Our power was turned off last night, I can't live without electricity, now stop grilling me with your questions, I have a meeting with the plumber" Dena said before she pushed Mary aside to answer the ringing telephone.

"Tell Joe to kiss the plumber's ass when you meet him, " Mary said before quickly putting on a smile for the two customer's approaching them.

Trying to stop the smile that threatened to appear on her face,Dena looked at the customer Mary is speaking to before she spoke into the phone.

Growing up in the foster care system, it has made Mary stronger and more edgy than Dena was. With purple strips in her brown straight hair, a off shoulder shirt that has the word base mad tucked into her skinny black jeans, paired off with a pair of gray high heels matching the gray off shoulder shirt, Mary gave off the not quite girlish vibe.

"At least try to be nice," Dena said as she saw Joe the toe as Mary calls him walked towards them.

"Morning ladies," Joe said as he glanced between the girls.

"Kick him in the balls if he tries something nasty," Mary said as she moved pass Dena before giving Joe a rather tight smile.

"Hurry up, I've got a meeting at nine,"Joe said before he started walking away from them.

Picking up her bag, Dena shook her head at Mary's choice of words which is directed at their boss before following him.

Standing outside the plumber's house, Dena eye's quickly scan the area, from the torn couch on the lawn, the staked up beer crates near the rusted fence, the two scruffy dog's staring at them from a short distance away and the smell of old boxes in the air has her agreeing to Mary's idea of charging Joe five hundred dollars for the job, though she wouldn't have got it even if she tried.

Seeing a guy who looked more like a wrestling fighter stepped out the door, had her second guessing herself if she can threaten the guy. As Joe started talking to the guy, she tried to read the guys reaction, but seeing as the man had a blank look on his face, she instead quickly put on her lawyer's mean business look as Joe said her name.

Thanks for checking the story out. A bit of drama and excitement coming up. ;)

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