The Date - Part 1

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Mom hugged me.

"Now be good to Nya," she said, and straightened out my outfit. Nothing too fancy. Just a nice suit.

"I remember my and your mom's first date," dad said, wiping away a fire tear.

"Did you kiss?" I asked.

"No, we were too busy chopping off skeleton heads," Koko explains.

"See ya, son," dad smiles, and sends me out.


I knocked on Nya's door. Kai opened.

"Hey, Kai," I said, and walked in. I've been here a few times before. It was similar to my and mom's apartment - cramped but cozy.

"Anything I need to know?" I ask. I was expecting him to be protective.

"I gave up after the sixth guy," Kai shrugs. "Just don't kill her, and don't get her pregnant until at least the third date."

"Gotcha," I said, chuckling. Nya then came out of her room, and I wouldn't be suprised if my jaw dropped to the floor.

She was wearing black heels, and a red dress that went to her knees. Her hair was let free.

"You look stunning," I said.

"But I don't have makeup!" she replied.

"I know." I held out my hand, and she took it.

"Be back by 5," Kai said as we waked out, our arms linked. He closed the door.

"I though he would be a lot more protective," I said.

"I just had the first 4 to wear him out. Then I needed two more to finally wear him down. All those were just so I could have more freedom for later." She looked at me. "You're the seventh."

I blushed, and obviously she noticed, giggling.

"So where are we going?" Nya asked.

"You won't believe it," I said, remembering. I puled out two tickets from my back pocket.

"The 'Rocking Gators'?" Nya asked, dumb-founded. "How did you get them?"

"Well, it took a sprained ankle, at least three photo sessions, and I almost had surgery to remove my arm, but you're worth it all," I explained. She smiled and we kept on walking.

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