CH 9: Coming to Visit

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When we first met Yo, Forth and I talked to our Luna about his situation. About how he lived and how shy and awkward he was. She had offered us lots of great advice on how to help him come out of shell.

Her number one suggestion though, was to start out spending time with Yo at his house. This way he was in familiar surroundings while he got to know us and became comfortable being with us. Looking back now, we were thankful we listened to her.

Forth and I had watched Yo transform over the last three months. Mostly gone was the boy who was awkward, lonely, and painfully shy. He had been replaced by a boy who was talkative, funny, sweet-tempered, adorable, and yes still shy on occasion, but not painfully so. Seeing these changes, we finally felt it was time to have Yo over for a visit.

Earlier this week, we let our parents and the pack Alpha and Luna know we wanted to invite him. They had all said it was fine and they were looking forward to meeting him. When we asked Yo about coming, he was so excited he hopped around like a cute little bunny, which we took as his joyful agreement to our offer.

To be honest, Forth and I were also eagerly looking forward to Yo's sleepover. We wanted to share some new things with him and had just been waiting for an opportunity. We were going to play it by ear, but we hoped this weekend would finally be the right time.

My phone notification sounds, and I take a look to see what came in, then yell down the hall to Forth, "He's almost here. The creepy butler's dropping him off in few minutes. Are you walking out with me to meet him?"

"Yeah, I'm coming." Forth calls back from his room.

When we reach the end of the driveway, Yo is just getting out of the car. He has a gigantic smile on his face and he's carrying a small overnight bag. He walks over and gives us both hugs as he says hello. Forth takes his bag from him and we both grab one of his hands as we start heading back towards the house.

We walk in the front doors and enter the living area. Its loud and crazy like usual. Adults having conversations, kids and wolf pups running around playing, and wolves lounging around everywhere. This is where the pack gathers to spend time together so it's always a busy place.

A bunch of people call out to us as we come through the doors, and our Pack Luna stops as she is walking by to greet us.

"Hey, boys..." She pauses and looks around sniffing the air, "What smells good, is someone with you?"

"Yes, Luna, the friend we told you about just arrived. He's staying the night with us." Forth says.

"Well, where is he? Let's meet him." We both look down and that's when I see Yo is kind of hiding behind Forth and me. I take a large step to the right revealing him to our Luna.

"Luna, meet Wayo Panitchayasawad. Wayo this is our pack's Luna. Luna is how you address her, na?"

"It's nice to meet you, Luna." Yo says shyly.

"My, my, aren't you a cutie." She says as she smiles at him. She stares at Yo for a minute or so, assessing him it seems. He starts fidgeting under her scrutiny and his grip on my hand tightens as he edges closer to me.

The Luna finally seems to recover herself as she shakes her head slightly. She leans in and pinches his cheek as she says, "Well, I hope you have fun during your stay with us, little Yo."

She turns to assessing stare to me and P'Forth and says, "N'Forth, I would like to speak to you before you go to bed tonight." She then turns and walks away. I look at Forth and he just shrugs, neither one of us have any idea what that was about.

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