CH 63: Edge of Disaster

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Taking Yo to my sister, is making me feel like I'm going to throw up. I keep reminding myself that I have to choose between them. Pring has made it perfectly clear that it's either her or Yo. I can't keep them both. The problem is, the choice I'm making right now feels like the wrong one.

Glancing over at him, I can see he's rethinking his decision to come with me. He didn't really want to in the first place. He wanted to wait for his boyfriend and I had to persuade him. Now he's starting to get nervous though. He's beginning to fidget.

There is a rapidly growing part of me that wants to tell him to run back to the safety of the music area as fast as he can. If I did that, then I wouldn't be responsible for delivering him to Pring. I could just tell her I couldn't convince him to come with me today.

"P'Park, is something wrong?" Yo asks.

What do I tell him? I can't tell him the truth. Shaking my head to clear it, I look at him and say, "Sorry, I was lost in my thoughts for a minute Nong. No, there's nothing wrong." The smile I slap on for his benefit is small and tight.

As we arrive at the theater building doors, I realize I can't do this. "Nong, I've changed my mind. I bet my sister is busy. We shouldn't bother her today."

He visibly relaxes at my words, telling me, "That sounds good, P'. Besides Pha will worry if I'm not there when he arrives. Maybe we can do this another day."

I feel like a weight just fell from my shoulders. I feel 100 pounds lighter than I did just 30 seconds ago. I didn't know this decision was weighing on me this heavily. I smile at him as I see us both take deep breaths when we turn to start walking away from the doors.

This is the right decision. This one right here. Walking away.



As soon as I got off the phone with Charong, I speed up and focus on getting to Yo's faculty. I have a bad feeling about this. Charong might not be sure, but my gut is telling me Park is Yo's half-brother, and that he and his sister are the ones causing Yo's 'accidents'.

Luckily, my classes let out a bit earlier than normal. I figured I'd arrive maybe five to ten minutes before Yo's class would let out. After parking my car, I jog to the practice hall, but when I arrive there's no music playing, and the normal crowds have already dissipated. I notice the FA gang sitting at a nearby table and march over to them.

"Have any of you seen Yo?"

"Sure," Montry answers. "He was in class earlier, but I saw him and Park talking right when he got out and they walked off together."

Grabbing my phone, I dial Yo's number frantically. It rings a couple times before he answers. I don't even give him a chance to talk, "Where are you?" I demand frantically.

"P'Pha, I'm right here. Turn around."

As I spin in place, I see him clearing the corner of the building with Park at his side. I sprint towards him and drag him into my arms, holding him tightly to me for just a few seconds as I try to calm down. Thankfully, the FA gang followed behind me, because I release Yo and shove him in Montry's direction. Then, I grab Park's shirt collar and slam him against the side of the building.

"I know who you are, and I know what you're trying to do." I hiss in his face. "This game you're playing, it's ending right here, right now. Do you understand?"

He looks at me in shock, but we're interrupted by Yo's yell, "P'Pha! What are you doing?"

Park and I continue to stare at each other, "Do you want to tell him, or do you want me too?"

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