CH 24: Lunch with Vampires

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"Well, well, well, what do we have here?"

All three of us look up at the man who is now standing at our table talking to us. I don't know him, so I look over at Pha and Kit, and they look quite a bit surprised and dismayed at seeing this new arrival.

"So nice to see both of my closest friends together out and about. However, it would have been nice if you had invited me along instead of me having to by chance cross your paths." He turns his head to me and looks me over slowly. "Who is this cute snack you have with you?"

He takes the open seat next to me and leans in really close as he takes in a lungful of air. "You smell yummy, cutie. Are you a donor?" He reaches out and touches the edge of my collar briefly, "It looks like one of you has already tasted him."

I jump as Pha's chair clatters to the floor behind him as he suddenly jumps up, his eyes are shining red and his voice is low and harsh as he growls, "Beam! That is enough."

"What?" The man next to me looks at Pha confused. He seems even more baffled when Pha walks around the table and pulls him out of his seat.

"Go sit next to Kit." Pha says to him before sitting in the chair next to me himself.

"Oookay." He picks up the chair and sits down, then leans in to Kit and whispers loud enough for all of us to hear, "Did I miss something?"

Kit just smacks him on the back of the head, saying, "Behave!"

"Fine." He looks me over again. "Is someone going to introduce me to the cute kid, or am I going to have to guess his name." He asks with quite a bit of sarcasm laced into his words.

Kit looks over at Pha, then sighs and looks at the man next to him, "Ai'Beam, this is Wayo Panitchayasawad. N'Yo meet our friend Beam Buarin."

Beam and I exchange wais while he asks, "How do the three of you know each other?"

"I live next door to P'Pha. I met P'Kit through him."

"Shame on the two of you." Beam says as he eyes Kit and Pha. "I see you decided to keep this little cutie to yourselves and not invite me to play, but that's ok. I'm here now."

I don't mind meeting someone new, so I look at the guys to see how they feel about this addition to our group. Kit seems resigned and Pha still seems a little angry but at least his eyes aren't red anymore. The red eyes thing didn't scare me. I'm used to the wolves' eyes changing colors when they feel strong emotions. It's just a color difference between gold and red.

I actually thought Pha's eyes were sexy when they changed colors briefly earlier, because I know they changed because of me. That thought led me to the memory of his earlier kiss. Without thinking my hand moves to my mouth and brushes lightly across my lips at the memory of his lips on mine. I swear I can almost feel them still tingling. I wonder if I can still taste him. I swipe my tongue slowly along my lips to find out.

A throat clears to my left breaking me from my thoughts and my head turns quickly to look at Pha, who is shifting uncomfortably in his chair.

"Ok, if he is going to be that sexy the entire meal, I am going to have to fuck him or bite him or something before this is over." Beam says with no shame whatsoever.

"Beam!" Two raised voices yell at the same time.

My face flames to scarlet and I can feel my ears and neck start burning. I'm not used to hearing such blunt remarks from strangers. All I can think is that I need to escape for a few minutes to compose myself. "E-excuse m-me." I get up and practically run to the bathroom.



I watch as Yo runs away and all I can do is bend over until my forehead touches the table then bang my head against it a few times before I sit up.

Normally I wouldn't give a damn about how Beam acts around people, but right now I'm completely exasperated by and embarrassed because of my 'friend'. "Ai'Beam, why would you say something like that out loud?"

"What? Didn't you see him? Good God, when his cute little pink tongue..." Kit reaches over and slaps his hand over Beam's mouth to shut him up. Probably a good thing, since I might kill my friend if he continues.

"Yes, Ai'Idiot, we were all thinking it!" My eyes fly to Kit when he says this. Really! Et tu Brute? Kit continues, without noticing my piercing gaze, "But don't say it out loud! Ai'Beam, geez! Stop flirting with the nong." Kit scolds him.

"Why?" Beam asks when Kit releases him.

"Are you blind? Stop because Ai'Pha is interested in him!" I glare at Kit for telling him that, but he ignores me again since he's still focused on Beam. Can he not keep a damn secret for five minutes? I remember, this is why I don't tell him things.

Beam's eyes shoot to me and look me over thoroughly, then lock with mine. "You've finally found someone you're interested in? Well, at least now I understand why you jerked me out of my chair earlier." He looks a little peeved, "You could have just told me, you know. I wouldn't have acted like that if I knew you were interested in him."

Kit steps in trying to be the peacemaker between us. "Look now that you know, let's just enjoy our lunch. I would like to try to get to know this kid if he is going to be hanging around with us."

Beam still hasn't looked away from me, and he pushes me a bit, testing me, "Is he going to be hanging around with us? Is he a snack or is he more?"

I break eye contact first and look toward the restrooms, where Yo disappeared to. "He's more." I say under my breath, but I know they both hear me.

"Fine. Good. Now I know where we stand. Let's order, eat lunch and get to know your cute little human." Beam states definitively.

I glance over at him and smile. Beam might be a pain in the ass a lot of the time, but he's still one of my best friends. He can still surprise me too, like he did just now.



I come out of the bathroom and walk back to the table, taking my seat next to Pha.

As soon as my butt hits the chair, Beam speaks to me. "N'Yo, I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier. I was irritated that my friends found a cutie to have lunch with and left me out, so I behaved like an ass. Can we start over?"

I blush a little at his words, but I respond, "Yes, that would be nice."

"Hi, I'm Baramee Buarin, but my friends call me Beam."

"It's nice to meet you, P'Beam. I'm Wayo Panitchayasawad, and my friends call me Yo."

"It's also nice to meet you too, N'Yo." He looks over at Pha and Kit who look surprised but satisfied by his actions, "Now can we order and eat? I'm hungry?"

Kit and Pha both smile at him, "Yes, let's eat." Pha agrees as he catches the attention of the waitress.



Beam is such a fun character to write!  See ya tomorrow!

** BTW: I just released my chapter of the hsiclub's 'Into the Woods' 2 Moons Camping Series book. Check it out if you get the chance.  ** Warning X-Rated **  So Enjoy!!!  555!!!

11.25.2017   8:41 am  US CST

 Edited A/N - 11.25.2017   9:37 am  US CST

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