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Okay whoever drew that (credits to the original artist because I definitely can't draw that good) is amazing!

Weird things/hobbies (Karasuno addition)

Noya- collects really cute plushies and hides them in his closet

Suga- still sings the little song to help him tie his shoes

Bokuto/Kuroo- they lOVE finding rainbows

(A/N- hmmm I wonder why 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈)

Hinata- Natsu taught him how to make flower crowns, and now he always makes them whenever he can (Asahi actually loves them)

Akaashi- besides volleyball, he is an excellent swimmer

Yams- He will buy any little interesting *tchotchke or item and place them around his room

*a tchotchke is a little trinket or
something of the sort

Asahi- he found a box of his mom's old dolls and practices braiding their hair

Daichi- has a weird obsession with bunnies and has a lot of pictures of them and stuff (and Suga loves it!!)

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