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Kageyama is that kid who sits in the back and has no idea what's going on the entire time

Hinata tries to listen to the teacher, but when he explains the lesson to Kags, he includes to many "gWAHS" to understand

Yamaguchi gets slightly better grades than Tsukishima, and Tsukki hates it

Oikawa is in class 6 out of 7 classes what the heck

Terushima tutors college students... even though he's still in high school...

So there are 7 classes, and I'm pretty sure they go like this-

1 = ppl still think 1 + 1 = 11
2 = below average, but not class 1
3 = average
4 = college prep class
5 = slightly smarter college prep class??
6 = dAyUm u smurt
7 = how are you still in high school

I say I'm in 4, but my friends say I'm in class 5 so idk man


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