Haikyuu as vines

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Kenma- "all around me are familiar places, worn out places"

Bokuto&Kuroo- the one with the AA, AAA, and AAAA batteries

Tsukishima&Kageyama- the two fighting in "can I pLEASE get a waffle??" (Yama is the one asking)

Suga- the mom in "who wants lasagna"

Daichi- the man "people constantly ask me how am I such a *slips and hits head on couch*"

Noya&Tanaka- the 69¢ chicken nugget one

Oikawa- the Thomas Sanders one that goes: "flowers of the brightest hue. The finest sweets will only do. No demand is out of hand I do it all for-

Yaku- the mom in "what are you holding?" "A knife!" "nO"

Asahi&Noya or Lev&Yaku- the Thomas Sanders vine that goes "how tall are you?" "6'4" then "how tall are you?" "I am 5'2 and 3/4 of an inch and I will destroy you"
(Or something like that)

Hinata- the "dear diary, today I couldn't find my diary so I'm writing on my Kung Fu Panda DVD's" vine

Tsukishima&Yama- the Thomas Sanders one  "Check out my new hat"
"That's the most ridiculous hate I've ever seen"
*random person walks by* "yeah nice hat"
"shut up that is my best friend and that hat is awesome"

Yamaguchi- "One time in the third grade-" *ring tone* "is that a text?? i hAvE fRiEnDs???"

Bokuto&Kuroo- the Liza Koshy one that goes "I'm so confused, am I woomf?? Am I a woomf??"

Oiks&Iwa- the croissant one where Oikawa is the one scaring Iwa

As you can probably tell, I'm Thomas Sanders/vines trash :D))

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