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Suga is totally that person who uses an umbrella in the tiniest of rain showers or if it's too sunny out

Kenma hATES the rain and Kuroo lOVES it... so Kenma always gets dragged out into the rain with Kuroo (poor him)

Bokuto has a weird obsession with stuff like hurricanes or tornadoes, he finds them very interesting

Noya always "forgets" his umbrella when it's raining at school so he "has" to walk with home with Asahi

Tanaka doesn't care about the rain at all

Oikawa has all these cute rain boots and ponchos and stuff with little designs on them, but never uses them
(A/N- idk man, idk)

Kageyama once told Hinata a story about how a lady who stayed outside during a storm got electrocuted or something, so even if there's a grey cloud he has a freaking heart attack

Yamaguchi is afraid of thunderstorms and Tsukki calms him
So the Wattpad author akaichi801 is an author who wrote a story about it and that's where I got the idea from, not my brain, so check her out! :D

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